After the increased threat to Sweden: The rescue service is gearing up

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In February, the security police announced that the concrete threat to Sweden and Swedish interests had increased, including after the burning of the Koran outside the Turkish embassy.

According to Säpo, “more attack threats are coming into the intelligence flow” and the assessment is that the security situation has deteriorated.

Among other things, the terrorist group IS has called for attacks against Sweden.

Stockholm’s rescue service is intensifying

TV4 Nyheterna can now tell you that the rescue service in Stockholm County has received calls to be prepared for PDV attacks, which account for ongoing deadly violence.

As recently as the end of last week, new information went out to firefighters that the police “are sending signals about an elevated threat picture both linked to the external situation and organized crime.” TV4 Nyheterna has taken note of the internal call.

– Everyone must rehearse the routines for various PDV events and at the fire station you must go through all the equipment connected to interventions in the event of an attack. There are also discussions about increasing the number of staff at various stations, says a source.

Björn Westerdahl, head of communications at Greater Stockholm’s fire service, does not want to confirm TV4 News’ information but says:

– It is something that we remind and rehearse at regular intervals. We reminded extra during the Christmas and New Year holidays about PDV linked to shootings and explosions. We will continue to monitor developments and, if necessary, we have the opportunity to take various measures. It can be training, exercises and informing about the situation in the region.

Source: Serious Threats

The Stockholm police chose, after Säpo’s assessment of the country’s security, to initiate a special event under the working name “Doris”, as TV4 Nyheterna previously reported. Among other things, the effort means that security has been increased at “symbolically important objects”, and prepared to be able to support Säpo in the event of terrorist crimes. The police have also started their terror preparedness organization and personnel in external service have been asked to be extra vigilant.

– Among other things, they look over equipment and are asked to always carry reinforcement weapons, says an informant to TV4 Nyheterna.

Another source states:

– You should always be mentally prepared for attacks, but now we must concretely increase the mental preparation, everything from how we should act if shots start being fired at the police to reading up on different action cards. These are serious threats.

The terrorist threat level remains at a three on a five-point scale.

Do you know more? Tip TV4
