After the Hamas attack – what happens with the “deal of the century”

The normalization agreement that the US tried to get between Saudi Arabia and Israel is about a shared vision of a railway and energy system. In addition, Saudi Arabia would be allowed to cooperate militarily with the United States and possibly receive some protection from Iran. Israel, on the other hand, would, among other things, promise not to build new settlements on Palestinian land.

However, the terrorist organization Hamas’s attack on Israel has changed the chances of reaching such an agreement.

– All neighboring countries are incredibly nervous. From Trump’s presidency in the United States, a process began in which the Arab states opened up to full-scale relations with Israel. The jewel in the crown for Israel would be normalization with Saudi Arabia, but that is on hold now, says Middle East analyst Bitte Hammargren.

Biden: “Wants to disrupt the normalization process”

During a campaign rally on Friday, US President Joe Biden accused Hamas of deliberately trying to destroy the rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia with its attack on Israel.

– Hamas knew I was about to discuss Israel with Saudi Arabia, and guess what – the Saudis wanted to recognize the state of Israel, Joe Biden said.

During an interview with the BBC earlier this week, Biden was asked if the normalization process is now ruined

– I think it is still relevant, but it will take time to get it ready. Moving towards normalization is in both the Arab countries’ and Israel’s interests, he replied.

See Foreign Office: Best Enemies about the consequences after the Hamas attack in Israel on SVT Play.
