After the Fosen agreement – ​​plans for more wind turbines

It has been almost four months since the northern Fosen group agreed with the government on an agreement.

This is two years after the Supreme Court in Norway ruled that the country committed a violation of international law when the wind farm in Fosen was built in the middle of reindeer pasture.

The government let the wind farm stand and a mediation process went on for a long time before an agreement was reached in March.

Despite that, the company Nordic Wind has now looked at establishing more wind turbines in the same Sami grazing areas.

– It is incredibly surprising and shows that the agreement that has been concluded about Fosen must be respected by more than just the parties to the agreement, says the President of the Sameting on the Norwegian side, Silje Karine Muotka to NRK Sápmi.

Nordic Wind’s CEO Terje Dyrstad has a different view of it.

– We are working on investigating to see which areas might be suitable. As long as the municipalities have not said a clear no, we will continue the mapping work, he says.

Nordic Wind has contacted landowners and municipalities, but at the same time it is believed that it is too early to say anything about the scope of the project and the number of wind turbines.

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The police had to carry the demonstrators away from the Storting in October. Photo: Frederik Ringnes/NTB/TT
