“After the first series, the landfill just went on and on”

After the first series the landfill just went on and

1179 points is also extremely good by world standards, as the statistics show only one result of four series that is better than Jehkinen’s achievement.

The fall is a celebration for those who are bowling. Even for an active enthusiast, the posture is straightened when there are several falls in a row.

A week ago Joonas Jehkinen there was no end in the making of the dumps. Jehkinen threw the qualifying for the BOX 300 Open in the Rauhalahti hall in Kuopio. Immediately after the first series came the full 300 points and was followed by the series 280, 299 and the end again 300.

– After the first series, the downpipe just went on and on. At the end of the third set, the sevens cone remained upright and it annoyed – a good throw, but didn’t hit properly. At the end of the last series, someone would be amazed that now it is already a new Finnish record, Jehkinen says.

The last bowling alley batteries still broke down and therefore the new Finnish record for the four series is now 1179 points.

Jehkinen belittles his performance in the sense that throwing hard results in small competitions is easier than usual. The tracks are oiled so that there is room for small errors in the throws.

The result is still staggering by world standards. Some dozens of bowlers have thrown a full 900 points into three series, but four consecutive 300-point series cannot be found in Internet statistics. Only the American is ahead of Jehkinen Tom Jordan 1198 points.

– Afterwards, it had to be thought that it would probably not hit like this again for the second time. Positively confused. Experience helps, the head is not forced to make big results, Jehkinen describes his thoughts.

Jehkinen now has 95 complete sets. The first was born at the age of 13.

Behind his bowling career for 30 years

Jehkinen is 36 years old, but the bowls have been falling for 30 years. He went to his father Kari Jehkisen followed to the small Oravikoski hall in Leppävirta as a little boy.

The father, who predated the team silver medal at the World Championships, paved the way for his son. Joonas Jehkinen joined the national team group at the beginning of his teens and success soon came. The biggest achievements are the World Cup team gold and five European Championships.

The men’s European Championships will be held in Helsinki at the beginning of June, but Jehkinen will not be part of the Finnish team.

He is a bowling entrepreneur in Kuopio and Mikkeli for the fifth year. There was a year-long break from self-throwing due to trying, corona and mental fatigue. Last fall, racing became interesting again and the batteries are now crashing well.

– Getting on the national team would require a lot of work and time, at least in Europe you should go to show. Jehkinen, who plays in the successful Mainarit club, sometimes bullies national team men on domestic lines.
