After the failure of Matignon, a ready-made reconversion for Lucie Castets?

After the failure of Matignon a ready made reconversion for Lucie

On the left, some would see the former candidate of the New Popular Front for Matignon seeking a mandate as deputy while several constituencies find themselves vacant.

The recent resignation of the National Rally deputy Flavien Termet and the announcement of the resignation of the rebellious deputy Hugo Prevost suggest new partial legislative elections in these two constituencies. A boon for the one who was propelled to the forefront all summer by a left wishing to make her its Prime Minister and who ultimately found herself without any government position at the start of the school year?

In the absence of Matignon, the former finance director of Paris town hall in any case continues to be involved in political life. Wednesday evening again, reports BFMTVshe was seen at the National Assembly on the occasion of the presentation of the left’s 2025 counter-budget. With a mandate in hand, Lucie Castets could continue to exist politically.

An application in Isère?

However, winning a partial legislative election is not the easiest. “She’s brave if she goes. A partial legislative is never a foregone conclusion,” comments socialist MP Dieynana Diop to the 24-hour news channel.

On the right for more than twenty years, the Ardennes constituency left orphaned by the RN deputy does not seem conducive to a victory for the left. The most favorable option still remains a candidacy in that of the rebellious Hugo Prevost, in Isère, even if the path to victory looks winding, the partial legislative elections often being marked by a strong abstention.

Lucie Castets, an obvious candidate for the entire left?

Likewise, the left has not yet agreed on this possible candidacy. “We have not yet opened the internal reflection. We are waiting for the announced resignation of Hugo Prevost to be effective”, we confide to BFMTV on the side of the rebels where the figure of Lucie Castets remains very appreciated.

Among the socialists, however, this choice is less unanimous. Building on Raphaël Glucksman’s good score in the Europeans, the local PS could want to propose its candidate. As for the ecologists and the communists, the former claim not to have been contacted on the subject for the moment while the latter do not comment. What about the main interested party? Here again, caution seems in order, according to one of her close friends: “The proposal was not made to her officially by the four party leaders and local activists so, to date, the question does not arise for her.”
