In the “No Food Challenge” by Twitch streamer Maximilian “Trymacs” Stemmler, 8 content creators are starving. After an emergency doctor’s mission, the fire brigade must now move out.
What is this challenge? Together with 7 other streamers, Trymacs goes without food for a week in the “No Food Challenge”. The starting signal was on March 11th, 3 participants have already been eliminated. An emergency doctor was called:
Twitch streamers around Trymacs don’t want to eat anything for a week, after 3 days the ambulance has to come [Update]
Shortly before the home stretch, the squad around the 28-year-old triggered a large-scale fire brigade operation on the evening of March 17th.
Chaos troop triggers fire brigade operation
How did it come about? Pretty much everything in the No Food Challenge is designed to make the contestants as uncomfortable as possible. Guests come here regularly to cook on-site and tempt the starving content creators.
But things went terribly wrong: On the evening of March 17, about 24 hours before the end of the challenge, the Trymacs football team wanted to make the participants’ mouths water again with a juicy steak.
With the not quite professional preparation, however, it smoked properly. Since apparently none of the kitchen heroes had thought to activate the extractor hood, the smoke detector shrilled shortly afterwards.
Although concerned viewers have called for Trymacs to be banned over the risks of the event, the streamer has so far gotten away with it. Others weren’t so lucky:
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The 8,000 euro steak
What was the problem? As Trymacs reports in its Instagram story, the rented event location is in an office complex with around 30 other parties. If a smoke detector is triggered in such systems, the fire brigade automatically responds.
In the case of Trymacs, the fire brigade sent out several emergency vehicles, and the police were also there. The content creators watched in amazement as one car after the other came around the corner. We have included the whole drama for you here, from 4:15 the accident takes its course:
What happened next? As Trymacs reports, the fire brigade people are said to have reacted with understanding. When he apologized for the false alarm, they said that’s how you get to know each other.
The use is said to have incurred costs of 8,000 euros. However, it’s unclear whether the streamer will be stuck with those costs. Normally it does not have to be paid if an unnecessary bet was not triggered wantonly. However, if the smoke detector is triggered by grossly negligent behavior, those responsible must pay for the use (via
Trymacs sums it up succinctly in his Instagram story: “That sucks.” (Story available for a limited time).
From 12:00 to 14:00 today, March 18, the Trymacs channel will broadcast the final of the “No Food Challenge”. At 7:15 p.m., the big break of the fast follows.
Even if Trymacs has to bear the cost of the deployment, it shouldn’t hit the streamer too hard. With his challenge, the 28-year-old made it to number 1 of the most watched streamers worldwide. You can read about the factors that may have contributed to the success of the event here:
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