After the drone attack – Russian oil refinery on fire

During the night, Russia claims to have shot down 158 Ukrainian drones over 15 Russian regions.
Ukraine states that it carried out operations aimed at energy supply – and that it hit a power station, among other things.
– This is an astonishing and dramatic development, says TV4’s foreign reporter Johan Fredriksson on location in Ukraine.

According to information from the Russian Ministry of Defence, it is about 158 ​​Ukrainian drones, an extremely high number according to TV4’s foreign reporter Johan Fredriksson, who reports from Ukraine.

– These are astonishing figures. I have not seen that Ukraine has previously carried out such a large-scale drone attack against Russian energy installations.

Oil refinery on fire

According to Russia, two of the drones must have been shot down over Moscow, writes TT. And the attack has left an impression.

– What we have heard or understood through various media is that at least two or three oil refineries, gas distribution centers and oil depots are on fire. Then to what extent they are seriously damaged or if there is just a fire nearby, it is difficult to know at the moment, says Johan Fredriksson.

No reported injuries

No injuries have been reported, according to local authorities. Most of the drones, 122 out of a total of 158, were shot down in four regions near the border with Ukraine: Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh and Belgorod. Now it remains to be seen what consequences the attack will have.

– This is an astonishing and dramatic development, says Johan Fredriksson.
