after the departure of many generals, a wave of appointments at the head of the army

after the departure of many generals a wave of appointments

Since June 13, 155 generals have retired, according to official figures from the transitional government. A movement that began with the adoption of a new statute for the Defense and Security Forces providing for a severance bonus and a retirement considered ” satisfactory by power, after more than 20 years without a single departure. Power appoints at the same time new generals to ” inject new blood in the high command, but the presence of a brother of the transitional president is controversial.

After a first batch of 48 generals in mid-June, 107 other senior officers of the same rank were retired. for age limit over the past two weeks. A movement on a scale not seen for more than 20 years, and which is called to continue, according to the Chadian Minister of Defense, Daoud Yaya Brahim.

They are rated between 400 and 600, depending on Young Africaof which ” hundreds without any affectation “Because of their age, specifies a senior Chadian executive. The power had to degrease this body, because it weighed very heavily on public finances.

But at the same time, the transitional president signed a decree that promotes “ exceptionally » 43 officers above the rank of brigadier general. ” It’s to inject new blood into the army “explains General Daoud Yaya Brahim.

What is confusing in the eyes of the opposition is the presence of Daoussa Idriss Déby on the list. Ambassador of Chad to Qatar today, the half-brother of the transitional president has never held a military command post, point out these discordant voices. The Minister of Defense assures that he went to a school of war, without being too convincing.

Another downside, still according to some opponents: an overrepresentation of nationals from a single region. What General Daoud Yaya Brahim also denies, speaking of “ a political demagoguery “, before hammering:” they don’t have to interfere in military affairs! »
