After the cup brawl: Häcken reports Mjällby’s sports manager

– It is primarily as a mark against behavior, which we do not consider appropriate in Swedish football, says Häcken’s club manager Marcus Jodin to The soccer channel.

It was in the players’ corridor at half-time during the cup final at Strandvallen, where BK Häcken won 4–1, that a fight allegedly broke out. Mjällby’s Hasse Larsson is said to have pushed the hedge player Samuel Larsson, which SVT was the first to report.

The fight should also have ended up on video. Now Häcken chooses to report the incident.

– It was an unprovoked push from a sports director in a mixed zone in a cup final. We believe that we need to mark against it and that Swedish football needs to mark against it. That’s why we make a report, says Häcken’s club manager Marcus Jodin to Fotbollskanalen.

SVT Nyheter Blekinge is looking for Mjällby AIF for a comment
