After the criminal suspicions – S demands that Jomshof resign

After the criminal suspicions – S demands that Jomshof resign

Updated 13.41 | Published at 1:30 p.m




fullscreenArdalan Shekarabi. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

The Social Democrats repeat the demand that Richard Jomshof should leave the post as chairman of the Riksdag’s justice committee.

This time because of the criminal suspicions.

– Richard Jomshof is unsuitable as chairman of the justice committee, says S-toppen Ardalan Shekarabi.

In August last year, the opposition gathered in a demand that Richard Jomshof resign as chairman of the justice committee.

But the Tidö parties jointly voted down the removal attempt in the committee.

After Richard Jomshof has now chosen to pause his work in the committee after it is clear that he is suspected of incitement against ethnic groups, S repeats his demand that Jomshof must resign permanently.

– We consider and have considered throughout this term that Richard Jomshof is unsuitable as chairman of the justice committee, says S legal policy spokesperson Ardalan Shekarabi.

“Take responsibility”

Shekarabi further says that Jomshof has abused his position as chairman of the committee.

– The Prime Minister and the governing parties bear the responsibility for the fact that he has this post and still has this post despite the spread of hatred, incitement and division, says Ardalan Shekarabi further.

– The Prime Minister and the governing parties now have the responsibility to ensure that he does not return to this post.
