After the big announcement at Northvolt – the labor market minister does not rule out a lower salary requirement

The new rules for labor immigration require a salary of at least 80 percent of the median salary, i.e. SEK 28,480, in order to be granted a work permit in Sweden if you come from a country outside the EU.

This worries the municipality of Skellefteå, which believes that this may mean that people who have lost their jobs at Northvolt may be forced to leave the country, as the municipality has difficulty matching the salary requirement.

On Friday, Mats Persson (L), Minister of Labor Markets and Integration, visited Skellefteå to collaborate and have a dialogue about how the region should work forward to maintain competence.

He did not make any new promises but listened to the municipality’s arguments.

– Our focus is that as many people as possible should find a new job and find the vacant jobs that already exist, says Mats Persson (L).

In an earlier version of this text, it was stated that the Minister of Labor Markets opens up the possibility of a lower salary requirement, it is correct that the Minister does not rule out a lower salary requirement.
