After the ‘beard’ ban in the army, he opened the flag of rebellion! Putin’s decision drew the reaction of his biggest supporter… Kadyrov: So he has a lot of free time

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Reactions to the ban on ‘beards, smartphones and tablets’ in the Russian army continue to come. One of the first criticisms of the decision was made by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the mercenary army Wagner, who called it “an absurd custom from the 1960s”. Chechen leader Kadyrov also expressed his reaction to the decision in his Telegram account.

‘PROVOCATION’ accusation

Deputy and retired Lieutenant General Viktor Sobolev defended the resounding ban, calling it “one of the pillars of military discipline”.

However, Kadyrov targeted this assessment as “clearly provocation” and added:

“It appears that Lieutenant-General Viktor Sobolev has time to think about a military route.”


Kadyrov also cited religious reasons as the reason why his mostly Muslim soldiers grew beards.
