After the airlines’ announcement: “It’s high time to close down Bromma airport”

The reactions have not been long in coming after Tuesday morning’s announcement that BRA, which flies almost all scheduled traffic to and from Bromma airport, is now leaving Bromma.

Swedavia themselves, who operate Bromma, have long stated that the airport is not profitable to operate.

But politically, the issue has long been debated.

The current government has not wanted the airport to be taken out of use before 2038. The moderate and opposition regional councilor in Stockholm, Kristofer Tamsons, has previously said that Bromma airport should be developed, not dismantled.

– A functioning domestic flight is absolutely crucial for the accessibility and competitiveness of the Stockholm region and Sweden. How this is affected by today’s announcement, we do not fully know today. I want to raise a finger of warning to draw some foolproof conclusions here and now. What is required is a solid analysis of the path, the decisions and the direction going forward, says Kristoffer Tamsons (M) to SVT.

The Minister of Infrastructure: “Bromma has other important functions”

Infrastructure Minister Andreas Carlson (KD) is on the same track and wants to see an analysis of today’s decision before he says anything definite about Bromma’s future.

– It is too early to draw too certain conclusions about what this means for Bromma’s future. Bromma Airport has other important functions, not least for socially important flights, says Andreas Carlson.

“The government must drop the prestige”

Already in February, the red-green majority government for the city of Stockholm announced that it wanted to end the agreement with the state around Bromma, and build housing instead. Now Stockholm’s financial councilor Karin Wanngård (S) hopes that the plans can be accelerated.

– The land needs to be cleaned up, but I hope that we will be able to break ground on a new building within ten years, says Karin Wanngård.

Regional Council: “Political gathering is needed to strengthen Arlanda”

Aida Hadzialic, regional councilor in Stockholm, for her part looks ahead and towards Arlanda:

– With this, the market itself has shut down Bromma. Business and the Mittenkoalitionen in Region Stockholm have been clear about the need to strengthen Arlanda. Political gathering is now needed to strengthen Arlanda’s competitiveness, which in recent years has unfortunately lost accessibility in relation to, for example, Kastrup in Copenhagen.
