After snow chaos: Norwegian police warn Swedish motorists

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

During the night, it snowed in large parts of western Sweden during Wednesday morning and also in Norway. It has created a lot of problems and a number of accidents.

Just after half past seven, a truck drove into a car on national highway 40 at Mölnyckemotet in the direction of Gothenburg. One person complained of neck pain and the accident reportedly created long queues.

A little later, two motorists collided at the Tynneredsmotet in Frölunda. In addition, a single accident took place at Väne Åsaka outside Trollhättan.

According to the police, no one appears to have been seriously injured in the accidents.

“Seems quite difficult”

In Norway, the snowfall seems to have been even tougher. It prompted Norwegian police to cross the border at the Svinesund Bridge and warn the Swedish motorists who commute.

– It seems quite difficult there, they haven’t had time to plough, says Thomas Fuxborg.
