After Skype, Microsoft will soon delete another emblematic software from its collection of office tools. But there will be many people, especially since there are excellent free replacements.

After Skype Microsoft will soon delete another emblematic software from

After Skype, Microsoft will soon delete another emblematic software from its collection of office tools. But there will be many people, especially since there are excellent free replacements.

When we talk about Microsoft Office, we mainly think of its flagship applications, namely Word, Excel and PowerPoint. However, the famous – and almost essential – office suite contains other powerful and useful tools, such as access, which allows you to create and manage relational databases. And this collection is not frozen: it has even evolved a lot from its beginnings by integrating apps like Outlook for electronic messaging, teams for videoconferences or even on -stupid for taking notes.

But the evolution goes in both directions, and Microsoft is preparing to clean up in Office by removing software present for ages (1991 to be precise): Publisher. As its name suggests, it is a layout tool, which makes it possible to make various documents at the end of publication (brochures, reports, manuals, theses, etc.). As the publisher announces it in A blog postPublisher will disappear automatically in October 2026.

End of Publisher: Software exceeded

An end not really surprising insofar as Publisher has aged very badly: on the one hand, it no longer supports the comparison with a tool like Adobe Indesign, the reference of PAO professionals (computer assisted publication); On the other hand, Word and PowerPoint layout options are enough for most users to make all kinds of simple documents (flyers, reports, etc.). Not to mention online solutions like Canva. No reason for the publisher to continue to maintain this outdated software.

Publisher is therefore preparing to leave Office. But beware, only its online version on a paid subscription, called Microsoft 365 today. The software included in the “Permanent” version, in Office 2021commom in previous editions, will obviously continue to operate normally on PCs on which it is installed – it does not exist in version for Mac. Simply, it will no longer be maintained and will no longer receive any updates.

And as Publisher uses a particular file format (.pub) which is not really a standard on EL market, Microsoft recommends that its users anticipate the future by converting all their documents in more universal formats, such as DOCX or the PDF, so as to be able to open them later in other software to modify them (for a few limitations).

To replace Publisher, Microsoft suggests going to Designerits new graphic design application, more modern, which works mainly at AI, with prompt mode commands. In his note, the publisher also offers several solutions, depending on the type documents to be produced.

  • Ads or flyers: word, powerpoint or designer
  • Brochures: Word or PowerPoint
  • Banners, panels, posters: PowerPoint or Designer
  • Certificates: Word or PowerPoint
  • Business cards: Word or PowerPoint
  • Professional invoices, applications and forms: Word
  • Calendars: Word or PowerPoint
  • Envelopes: Word
  • Labels: Word
  • Bulletin: Word
  • Header: Word
  • Programs, folded paper projects: Word
  • Cards (wishes, greetings, compliments, etc.): Word, PowerPoint or Designer
© Inkscape

Not sure, however, that these homemade alternatives are suitable for everyone. Everyone will have to find their spare solution, according to their needs. And for those who want to get out of the Microsoft and Office environment, remember that in addition to the alternatives already mentioned (Indesign and Canva), there is an excellent Open Source Software, Full: Inkccape. Particularly powerful, it makes it possible to carry out all kinds of publications with advanced tools for text as for the image (character approach, vector objects, Bézier curves, etc.) to professional standards for printing (with separation in quadri in particular). No reason to deprive yourself of it, especially since it is supported by a beautiful community of enthusiasts!
