After sci-fi cracker with Robert Pattinson, master director plans an even bigger litter

After sci fi cracker with Robert Pattinson master director plans an

The South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-Ho Oscar story wrote with his socially critical thriller Parasite. He is currently inspiring with his brand new sci-fi strip Mickey 17, who was already on the Berlinale. But the exceptional director already has much more far -reaching plans for his next projects.

After an animated film that should already be in the box, Bong wants to use an ambitious Horror project Get to an idea that has been bubbling for almost 25 years.

After the sci-fi film Mickey 17, Bong Joon-Ho turns a horror strip planned since 2001

During his press tour for Mickey 17, Bong Joon-Ho spoke to South Korean media about his future plans (via World of Reel) and mentioned his large horror film, which is supposed to remind the Host from 2016. He wants to have the story in mind since the beginning of the millennium:

It is more or less my life’s work. I’ve been thinking about it since 2001.

Afterwards, Bong describes the opening scene in which people run through the underground tunnel of a subway while they are persecuted by people who are dressed. Compared to Variety, he casually mentioned the project several years ago and said:

The Korean film is located in Seoul and contains unique elements of horror and action. It is difficult to define the genre of my films.

Almost sounds like a project that could be the same as his genre over-tensioning comic film adaptation Snowpiercer.

Mickey 17 will come to the cinema in a few weeks

Before that, Bong Joon-Ho lets Robert Pattinson die several times as soon as Mickey gets 17 in the local cinemas. That is on March 6, 2025 the case.

The fabric is based on Edward Ashton’s sci-fi-comic Mickey7 and revolves around the financially in difficulties Mickey Barnes, which is available as an expendable. Clone are produced by these dispensable, which have to do dangerous tasks that they do not survive.
