After Reality Queens expulsion, Danni Büchner wants revenge

After Reality Queens expulsion Danni Buchner wants revenge

For Danni, it is the first reality format with her daughter Joelina. But before the two can really settle into the jungle, the mother-daughter duo is split up again. The Goodbye Germany emigrant is eliminated during the nomination process – because of her teammates Jasmin Herren and Marlisa.

Danni Büchner is kicked out of Reality Queens: “I can only smile wearily about it.”

When her teammate Marlisa admits that she has chosen Danni, the 46-year-old is surprised. When she is then nominated by Jasmin, the last straw:

I can only smile wearily at that. I always told you ‘Believe in yourself’ and now you’re writing down my name? You don’t have to say that you like me and then write down my name. No one should be underhanded.

Marlisa doesn’t understand the world anymore, because Danni nominated her too.


There is a dispute between the candidates at the first nomination for Reality Queens

Reality Queens: There is a scandal at the nomination

But Danni isn’t the only one who is furious. Her daughter Joelina also can’t understand the women’s reason for being nominated. It’s actually similar. “I chose Danni so that Joelina would have a chance” and “I also want you to show yourself”Marlisa and Jasmin explain their decision. Completely incomprehensible for the reality newcomer:

You always think there are two of us, but if she’s out, I’m still not here. Am I invisible? I’m not just air, but I still have an opinion? I’m still a personality.


Joelina doesn’t understand Marlisa’s decision on Reality Queens

Joelina cannot enjoy her stay on the show for the time being, because her mother’s expulsion is sealed. Danni does not want to say goodbye to her former colleagues and refuses to let them go with the words “false snakes” and “I hope my daughter will kick all of your asses” a hug.

Danni doesn’t have to make the journey home alone. Franzi was also thrown out by her team members. It was a short trip for the former Bachelor in Paradise candidate, as she had just arrived at the camp as a replacement.


Franzi moves into the camp as a replacement and has to leave the show again

Here you can watch Reality Queens – In High Heels Through the Jungle

New episodes of Reality Queens appear every Thursday on RTL+. If you missed the whole drama surrounding Danni & Co., you can catch up on it at any time on the streaming service.

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