After millions of years of evolution, one in five reptiles is at risk of extinction

After millions of years of evolution one in five reptiles

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In recent years, biodiversity has regularly made the front page of the media. She would be collapsing. In 40 years, the number of wild vertebrate populations has declined by 60%, according to the WWF. To the point of asserting that humanity is causing the 6th mass extinction? Gilles Bœuf, president of the scientific council of the French Agency for Biodiversity, reveals his arguments on the question.

The study just published in Nature emphasizes that conservation efforts aimed at other animals “hairy or feathered” also benefit the reptiles and these “deserve the same attention”emphasizes Bruce Young, zoologist chief for the NGO NatureServe and co-author of the article.

“They are fascinating creatures that play an indispensable role in ecosystems of the planet “predators ofspecies pests or prey for birds and other animals, insists his colleague Sean O’Brien, president of NatureServequoted in the press release.

Reptiles are more endangered than birds

The published study is an overall assessment of the extinction risk of reptilesperformed on “over 15 years” and co-signed by about fifty authors, supported in the collection of information by hundreds of scientists spread over six continents, explained three of the editors during a press conference.

“Threatened” species are classified into three categories: “Vulnerable”, “Endangered” or “Critically Endangered”, according to the classification of the red list of theIUCNthe International Union for Conservation of Nature, one of the leading NGOs in this field.

The study shows that the reptiles are proportionally less threatened at the global level than the mammals or amphibians, but more than birds.

Some regions are more exposed: south-east Asia, West Africa, northern Madagascar, northern Andes, the Caribbean. And reptiles living in forests are the most threatened: 30% of them, against 14% of those living in arid environments.

“Habitat loss (…) continues to be the main threat”, points out Neil Cox of the IUCN. Of all the species studied, the turtles and crocodiles are even more particularly concerned, victims of overexploitation and persecution. Source of food and victims of beliefs linked to their medicinal virtues, they are also captured to become domestic animals for the former. But also hunted for their dangerousness for the latter.

Another example is the king cobra, an iconic animal that was widespread in India and Southeast Asia. “It was suspected to be in decline, it is now classified as vulnerable”, notes Neil Cox. He is penalized by the disappearance of the forest in which he lives, due to the exploitation of forests or their conversion into land agricultural.

Billions of cumulative years of evolution

As to climate changehe could directly threaten “10 or 11% of reptiles”believes Bruce Young, even if the figure is probably underestimated by the study, in particular because the negative impact will be observed in the longer term, while the criteria of the IUCN red list are linked to effects more immediate, spanning the next three generations of the species, or a decade, whichever is longer.

For his part, Professor Blair Hedges, a specialist in biodiversity to Temple University (USA), warns against memory loss genetic of these animals. “Sixteen billion years of evolution will be lost if all endangered species go extinct”, he warns. Among them is theiguana Galapagos sailor, “the only lizard in the world to have adapted to aquatic life”he recalls.

Measurements “ urgent and targeted” are necessary to protect the most endangered species, argue the authors of the study, “particularly those lizards endemic to islands threatened by introduced predators and those more directly affected by humans”.

Nearly 19% of reptiles are threatened with extinction

Article by Delphine Bossy published on February 20, 2013

Are reptiles endangered? A major international study assesses that 19% of the world’s species are threatened with extinction, according to the IUCN conservation status.

The evolution of reptiles is a long story. Appeared on Earth 300 million years ago, over time they have become key elements of ecosystems terrestrial. Some reptiles are prey, others predators. They are commonly associated with extreme living conditions or hostile habitats.

Yet, most of reptile species are specifically adapted to their environment. They require particular climatic conditions, and their daily good health depends on the use of their habitat. Reptiles are therefore very sensitive to environmental changes. The deforestation or the conversion of habitats into cultivation areas fully threaten these species.

More than 200 specialists coordinated by the Zoological Society of London and theIUCN assessed the conservation status of all reptiles globally. This is the first time that such a synthesis work has been carried out. Published in the magazine Biological Conversation, the study states that 19% of reptiles are threatened with extinction. The study includes the analysis of 1,500 species from around the world. Of the threatened species, 12% are considered critically endangered, 41% endangered and 47% vulnerable.

Critically endangered freshwater turtles

The tropical regions are the ones with the highest level of threat. In the tropicsforests are increasingly being transformed forAgriculture or thelumbering. The lizard’s habitat is virtually destroyed, so the search for the species has been unsuccessful in some areas. In addition, three species classified as critically endangered are possibly extinct. One of the three is the lizard Ameiva vittatawhich has only been seen once in part of Bolivia.

But the risk of extinction is not evenly distributed across the large group of reptiles. turtlespure water are the most threatened. According to the study, 30% of fresh water reptiles are close to extinction. The rate rises to 50% if only turtles are considered. In addition to the destruction of their habitat, they are poached for the shell trade.

The man still in question

Terrestrial reptiles are less threatened. However, their biological and environmental requirements as well as low mobility make them particularly vulnerable to pressures human. In Haiti, six out of nine lizard species Anolis included in this study present a high risk of extinction, due to the massive deforestation that is affecting the country.

The conclusions of this study are alarming, because they are on a global scale. The study is a good indicator for assessing conservation success, tracking trends in extinction risk over time, and humanity’s ability to implement biodiversity conservation plans.

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