After Lula’s election, Buenos Aires could relaunch the Brazil-Argentina axis

After Lulas election Buenos Aires could relaunch the Brazil Argentina axis

In Argentina, Lula’s election to the Brazilian presidency was hailed as a victory by the ruling Peronist coalition, routed in the polls. But the executive is now assured of a relaunch of the Brazil-Argentina axis and the support of the new president for next year’s elections, after the lunch shared with President Alberto Fernández’s Lula, Monday, October 31.

With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Jean Louis Buchet

First foreign head of state to see Lula, the Argentinian Alberto Fernández wanted to kiss the president-elect of Brazil. And the winner of the election was waiting for his friend, who had visited him in prison, then attracting the wrath of far-right president Jair Bolsonarowhich denounced the collusion between the former Brazilian leader convicted of corruption and the then Argentine presidential candidate, described as ” populist », or even « Communist “.

Lula also hailed Argentinian Vice-President Cristina Kirchner this Sunday with a cap marked CFK 2023 – a way of supporting a possible candidacy of the ex-president in the elections next year.

During Lula’s two previous presidencies, when Néstor Kirchner, then his widow Cristina, were in power in Buenos Aires, the Brazil-Argentina axis was in full operation. It ceased to exist with Jair Bolsonaro, even if the commercial relations between the two South American economic powers have been maintained, for natural reasons.

But with the election of Lula, the Peronists, routed in the polls, are beginning to believe in a victory in the presidential election next year: the Brazilian friend could contribute to it.

Read also: Victory for Lula in Brazil: hope for the Amazon and the climate
