After just one season, Netflix’s new sci-fi success is over – and for once it’s not Netflix’s fault

After just one season Netflixs new sci fi success is over
Bodies is the new big sci-fi hit on Netflix. The series about a murder case that has occupied investigators for over 150 years and four time periods inspires and confuses many fans. But now it’s over: there’s nothing more after season 1. At least that’s what author Paul Tomalin (No Offence) wants. Sci-fi hit Bodies will end with Season 1 and there’s a good reason for that

Compared to Hello! explained Tomalin:

We came to Netflix with Bodies and said, “This is a one-season thing, we want this [in einer Staffel] complete. If you have such a great story, You’re screwing over your audience if you don’t break them up. […] I hate it as a viewer when I get something great and then have to say, “OK, now I’ll wait a year and a half.”

Even big Bodies fans will probably be able to understand Tomalin’s point. Of course, many people want their favorite series to return. But nothing is worse than losing beloved heroes thanks to artificially extended plots on the way to insignificance.

Otherwise, Season 1 of Bodies provides enough fodder for sci-fi fans to keep them occupied for a long time. Some viewers are already despairing of the Netflix series.

Podcast tip: The 5 best German Netflix series and why abroad loves them

In our podcast Streamgegewer we marvel at the rise of German Netflix series – here and internationally:

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