After his amputation, journalist Matthieu Lartot announces good news

After his amputation journalist Matthieu Lartot announces good news

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    Affected by a synovial sarcoma in the knee, Matthieu Lartot had to have his right leg amputated last April. Through social networks, the sports journalist recently gave news of his state of health. They are, to say the least, reassuring.

    On April 18, on social networks, Matthieu Lartot announced that he was suffering from a recurrence of his cancer. Presenter of the sports program Stade 2, the journalist then declared that he was forced to “get away from the air to get back in the ring and fight cancer a second time!”. Having had his right leg amputated to prevent his cancer from coming back, the commentator for the French rugby union team matches began his rehabilitation sessions at the end of June and “Morale is at the top!”. This July 14, through an Instagram story, Matthieu Lartot appeared in great shape during a sports session where he performed the plank exercise, alongside his son Noah. “Even on leave, it works. With a sparring partner in PLS. PS: the hair is finally growing back!”, he wrote on his story.

    “Do not declare victory too quickly”

    On July 7, Matthieu Lartot had already given reassuring news to his followers on Instagram: “The amputation went well and the results of the anapath fell 2 days ago: they are excellent. The chemo worked and the operation did the rest”explains Matthieu Lartot on July 7 on Instagram.

    However, the journalist remains aware that there is a long way to go before he can celebrate the end of his fight. “It’s not a question of declaring victory too quickly because this damn disease is sneaky but the treatments are behind me and now it will be a simple monitoring every 3 months for 5 years. Until then, I still have a lot of work to do to walk again, but I’m giving everything every day to get back to the best of my ability. You have to know how to take advantage of small progress every day, step by step…”he says on his Instagram post.
