After heavy criticism, Pokémon GO now changes your avatar, but trainers still complain

In Pokémon GO, the big avatar update caused a lot of criticism among trainers, but now the character’s appearance is set to change again. We have summarized what the players have discovered and how they are reacting to it here on MeinMMO.

What function is it? A few weeks ago, Pokémon GO had a major update with 4 features, which also saw a major overhaul of the players’ characters. In addition to new settings for skin and eye color, hairstyle and facial expression, you should also be able to customize your avatar in terms of its body shape.

But these changes backfired and caused a lot of criticism in the community. Now the developers are working on changing the characters again. We’ll show you what the first players have discovered in this regard and what they think of it below.

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Trainer discovers new features in the avatar

What did trainers find? As Reddit user PrestyRS shows in his current post, the developers of Pokémon GO seem to be making further changes to the trainers’ characters. In his post, he shows two examples that show the new avatar features.

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What changes have been made? If you take a closer look at the two images, you can see that the female avatars now have much more defined body shapes. This was one of the points of criticism in the past, because many players felt that their avatar no longer had the right proportions after the big update and therefore looked unnatural.

And the skin colors are said to have been revised again, as galarianzapdos explains on Reddit: The skin tones have also been updated. The lighting/shadows are slightly better.

Additionally, there are minor changes to the characters’ faces, as Jepemega writes in the Reddit comments: The face looks like it’s gone back to the old faces or something very similar. The mouth is much better now. Before, it felt like they had this weird forced half smile on their face, which was really inappropriate.

However, the changes are not expected to affect all players yet, as the comments also indicate. It can therefore be assumed that Niantic is initially testing new content with selected players before rolling it out to all accounts.

What do the trainers think of the avatar change?

Much criticism of the changes: Opinions on the new avatar change are mixed in the Reddit community. While some players are happy that Niantic is finally taking the criticism into account and wants to improve the characters again, others are complaining about the changes.

Many people are particularly making fun of the extreme appearance of the body shapes and are once again criticizing the work of the developers. In the comments on Reddit you can read the following:

  • ThePikaNick: Well, we went from no butt to a comically large butt.
  • Malcalypsetheyounger: You have Pixar mode enabled.
  • kingnorris42: I’m all for curvier characters. Yes, I prefer them sometimes, but this looks weird. Something about it looks very distorted and unnatural in my opinion, especially with the arm, especially in the second picture.
  • Ergomann: Please at least bring back the old avatar option.
  • Coaches defend innovation: But there are also players who see the changes as a good way forward and hope for more customization options for the avatar. They also assume that the exaggerated appearance is not the developers’ fault alone, but could be related to the settings of the respective players. They write on Reddit:

  • n0unce: This is obviously because people have the “hips” slider set to max and haven’t logged in since the update. At least they’re trying to fix that, right? I assume (and hope) there will be a lot of adjustment between the 10-year-old boy and the incredible woman now.
  • More_Possession2871: I’m glad they’re working on it now, but would it be so hard to say something like ‘Hey guys, we know the update didn’t come out as expected, we made a mistake, but we’re working on it!’?
  • Sharlizarda: This gives me hope that it will get better! I stopped after the new avatars came out, logged in a week or so ago and could see that there have been some improvements… they are stupid for not admitting that they screwed up.
  • Whether and when there will be further avatar changes remains to be seen. If there is any new information on this, you will find out about it here on MeinMMO.

    How do you like the revised avatars? Do you also think it’s a good step in the right direction? Or would you rather have the old characters back? Let us know in the comments and exchange ideas with other players.Trainers also complain about an ugly monster in Pokémon GO, but there’s a reason for that.
