After football, here is the conversion of Yoann Gourcuff!

After football here is the conversion of Yoann Gourcuff

Former French international, Yoann Gourcuff has perhaps the most beautiful of conversions.

Considered the new Zidane for a little while, Yoann Gourcuff finally fell back into anonymity, hampered by injuries throughout his career before retiring in 2019. But what became of the former French international at 39? selections? Very little present in the media, the former footballer granted an interview to West France Monday April 24.

Asked what he does with his days, Yoann Gourcuff talks about one of the most beautiful conversions, being a “stay-at-home dad”. “My life is simple, serene, I fully appreciate it. I take care of my two children (Maël, 7 years old and Claudia, 4 years old), my wife regularly going to Paris for her work (married to Karine Ferri) “It takes time and requires organization. I also walk my two dogs every day for an hour minimum, no matter the weather, when the children are at school. It’s soothing (…) I I have no problem saying that I am a stay-at-home father. The days are busy, but seeing my children grow up every day is a privilege. What’s more, in a peaceful context. Here, we are not bothered There is space, the sea, the beaches, the forests, the paths…”

He is pursuing a career in tennis

At a modest level, Yoann Gourcuff continues to play sports. He notably started playing tennis and took part in a few tournaments. “I play tennis (regional team championship with TC Larmor-Plage, it is ranked 5/6), I do tournaments in the area from time to time, I try to train once a week. go mountain biking, sometimes with my dad (Christian).”
