After Erdogan, Hulusi Akar also announced that he was infected with coronavirus

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in a statement on Twitter, announced that he was infected with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus and stated that he had a mild illness.

Sharing the latest situation on Twitter today, Erdogan announced that they continue to work from home:

“Today, she has a mild illness, and we continue our work from home with Ms. Emine.”

After Erdogan, Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar announced that the Covid-19 test was positive.

President Erdogan and his wife paid an official visit to Ukraine on Thursday. During the visit, Akar accompanied Erdoğan along with many other ministers. Two days after the visit, the Covid-19 tests were positive. Erdogan is required to remain in quarantine for seven days, by the rules, until Friday next week.

First Lady Erdoğan said on Twitter: “Only together, hook together. Hopefully, we will overcome this disease together with Tayyip Bey as soon as possible. We look forward to your prayers.”


The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that an investigation was launched ex officio regarding the social media posts made after President Erdoğan and his wife announced that they were infected with the coronavirus.

In the statement, “In some posts, regarding the statements that constitute a crime such as insulting the President, insulting religious values, etc., an investigation has been initiated ex officio against the suspects identified under the authority of our Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor, and the necessary legal proceedings regarding the issue are carried out together with the law enforcement units.” it was said.

Then, the General Directorate of Security, Department of Combating Cybercrime and its affiliated provincial units examined the posts on the subject on social media platforms with a virtual patrol. An investigation was carried out on 36 accounts on the grounds that they “shared insulting content”, and according to the statement, the managers of 31 of them were identified. Eight of these people were detained.

Former national swimmer and world champion Derya Büyükuncu was also among those who were detained; It was stated that Büyükuncu was abroad.

Four people, whose addresses were determined, were detained.

When one of the detainees tested positive for Covid-19, he was placed under house arrest.

Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdag said, “I condemn those who curse and insult our President on social media, those who are deprived of our civilization values ​​and minimum human qualities, and those who are arrogant and self-conscious.”


DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan conveyed his best wishes to President Erdogan and his wife Emine Erdogan on social media.

CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener, Felicity Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu, Future Party Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu sent their best wishes to the Erdogan couple on Twitter.

Many political party leaders such as Doğu Perinçek, Muharrem İnce, Fatih Erbakan and Ümit Özdağ were among those who gave the message of getting well soon.

Erdogan also stated that he thanked these leaders on Twitter.

Ekrem İmamoğlu, the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, is also one of the names who sent their wishes for getting well soon.

Many foreign leaders from countries such as Ukraine, Pakistan, Qatar, Azerbaijan, Somalia, Kosovo and Kazakhstan conveyed a message of getting well soon to the Erdogan couple. Among those who sent these messages was the Greek Prime Minister, whose bilateral relations have been strained recently.

Finally, one day after announcing that the Covid-19 test was positive, Russian President Vladimir Putin also conveyed his best wishes. According to the Kremlin statement, Putin’s telegram to Erdogan included the following statements: “Dear friend, I would like to say that I sincerely support you and your wife.”

“I believe that your vitality and cheerful spirit will help you get over the virus as soon as possible. I sincerely wish you both a complete recovery and many years of good health.”


According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 412 thousand 352 Covid-19 tests were carried out in the last day, 87 thousand 934 people tested positive and 201 people died.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared, “We are struggling with the variant of the disease that causes a milder course. This situation should not lead you to neglect.”

“There are people whose health conditions will cause them to suffer from Covid-19. Let’s be cautious. Let’s get our old and young reminder doses of vaccines.” made the call.
