After criticism about “electric populism” – M and S respond

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Both the Social Democrats and the Moderates propose high-cost protection as a way to compensate for the high electricity prices. Lars Calmfors, national economist and former chairman of the Fiscal Policy Council, believes that it is not just inflation in electricity prices right now – but also inflation in bad proposals.

– I would almost talk about electric populism here, he says.

Lars Calmfors thinks that support should be given, but that it should not be linked to consumption, but general subsidies or tax reductions for those who suffer the worst. He also proposes grants as incentives for those who reduce their electricity production.

– We have a shortage situation, and if you subsidize the consumption of the product in one way or another, the shortage will only get worse.

In tonight’s debate in Agenda, Finance Minister Mikael Damberg (S) and the Moderates’ economic policy spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson respond to the economist’s criticism.

“Will be expensive this winter”

Mikael Damberg (S) believes that what is described by Calmfors is wrong and says that it is not high-cost protection for electricity consumption The Social Democrats’ proposal is about but about price.

– I think you have to be able to do two things at the same time: Both work long-term with efficiency improvements and savings, but also make sure we make it through this winter, says Mikael Damberg.

Elisabeth Svantesson (M) shares the picture and says that their proposal is not about getting a lot of money if you consume electricity, but the opposite. When the price reaches a certain level, you should know that the state takes responsibility, she says, adding:

– And then, of course, you can’t get any amount of money.

– What Lars Calmfors misses, and I have great respect for him, is that it will be expensive this winter, says Elisabeth Svantesson.
