after Boutcha, a Russian offensive in the Dombass?

the horror of Boutcha described unbearable testimonies

UKRAINE. Russian troops are concentrating their forces in Dombass, in eastern Ukraine, to take full control. After the discovery of the bodies of civilians killed by the Russian army in Boutcha, international condemnations are growing heavier for Russia.

The international community will initiate new sanctions against Russia

The international community will initiate new sanctions against Russia - War in Ukraine ©Felipe Dana/AP/SIPA

April 6 at 11:31 a.m. Although the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, on Wednesday castigated the “indecision” of European countries in the face of the adoption of new sanctions against Russia, in a speech before the Irish Parliament, the West plans to harden their positions against Russia, this Wednesday, after the discovery of numerous corpses in Boutcha, near kyiv. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has declared that the European Union will have to take sanctions on Russian oil and gas “sooner or later”, denouncing the “crimes against humanity” perpetrated in Boutcha “and many other cities” in Ukraine. The European Commission proposed on Tuesday to tighten sanctions against Moscow, in particular by stopping their purchases of Russian coal, which represents 45% of EU imports, and oil, which represents 25%. She also wants to close European ports to Russian ships.

The Dutch customs authorities have already immobilized fourteen yachts in shipyards, including twelve under construction and two in maintenance. After France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Spain, Greece decided to expel twelve of the Russian diplomats. The United States also plans to adopt new sanctions on Wednesday, in coordination with the European Union and the G7, aimed in particular at prohibiting “all new investment” in Russia. In addition, through its Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the United States has declared that it will provide additional security assistance of 100 million dollars (91.8 million euros) to Ukraine. , which will notably include anti-tank systems.

Volodymyr Zelensky before the UN

Volodymyr Zelensky in front of the UN - War in Ukraine ©John Minchillo/AP/SIPA

April 5 at 5:36 p.m. As the bombardments continue in southern and eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke on Tuesday 5 April before the UN Security Council, meeting in New York, after the global shock wave caused by the discovery of many corpses of civilians in the city of Boutcha, where Ukraine accuses Russia of massacre. The Ukrainian president returned to the various abuses committed in Boutcha: “The Russians committed summary executions there, shot women, tortured, all for pleasure”. He described “civilians being tortured and killed at point-blank range in the streets”, others “had their tongues torn out”, “parents saw their children die, parents were killed in front of their children”, he said. – he added, still before the UN Security Council. “Mass massacres have become the signature of the Russians”, lamented Volodymyr Zelensky, considering that “the worst crimes since the end of the Second World War”.

The Ukrainian president directly attacked the UN Security Council: “Where is the Security Council, where is the peace in the name of which the UN was created? This organization is supposed to fulfill its function, stop the aggressors” he launched, “The UN today authorizes this aggressor to propagate death” he added. Volodymyr Zelensky has called on UN members to hold Russia “responsible” for “war crimes” in Ukraine.

French justice opens three investigations for “war crimes” in Ukraine

French justice opens three investigations for "war crimes" in Ukraine - War in Ukraine ©Frederic Munsch/SIPA

April 5 at 3:02 p.m. As war continues to rage in Ukraine and the shock wave of the Boutcha massacre continues to shake the world. This Tuesday, the French National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) announced the opening of three new investigations for “war crimes”. The facts referred to have allegedly been committed against French nationals in Ukraine, since the invasion by Russia. They took place in Mariupol, in the south of Ukraine between February 25 and March 16, in Gostomel, in the kyiv region between March 1 and 12 and Cherniguiv, in the north of the country, from March 24 February, said the PNAT. An investigation had already opened after the death of Pierre Zakrzewski, a Franco-Irish journalist, on March 14 near the Ukrainian capital.

The PNAT specifies that in application of the legal provisions, the jurisdiction of the French courts may be retained if war crimes have been committed outside the national territory by a French perpetrator, to the detriment of a French victim or by a perpetrator having his habitual residence in the national territory.

Massacre of civilians in Boutcha: satellite images contradict the Russian version

Massacre of civilians in Boutcha: satellite images contradict the Russian version - War in Ukraine ©EPN/Newscom/SIPA

April 5 at 11:21 a.m. Monday evening, the American daily New York Times gives new information on the war in Ukraine and the massacre of Boutcha. The newspaper published an investigation, based on the analysis of satellite photos provided by the space imagery company Maxar, which refutes Russian claims that the killing of civilians in Bucha, in the Kyiv region, s happened after his Russian soldiers left the city. The images date from February 28, the first day of the war in Ukraine, and March 19, in full Russian offensive in Ukraine. To confirm that these are indeed civilian bodies and their date of appearance, the Times visual investigations team carried out a before and after analysis of satellite images. The images show dark objects, similar in size to a human body, appearing on a street between March 9 and March 11. Further analysis shows that they remained in these positions for more than three weeks, until they were discovered by Ukrainian forces, when they recaptured the town. Satellite images show at least 11 bodies have been on the streets since March 11, when Russia occupied the city. In addition, a video filmed by a member of the local council of the city on April 1 shows these same bodies and the few locals who remained in the city testify to the ordeal experienced during this occupation.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement that the images of corpses in the streets of the Ukrainian city were “a new production of the kyiv regime for the Western media”. Faced with these new revelations, Russia claimed, this time, that the satellite images are “another hoax” and called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on what it called “provocations by Ukrainian radicals” in Boutcha.

Volodymyr Zelensky visiting Boutcha

Volodymyr Zelensky visiting Boutcha - War in Ukraine ©Efrem Lukatsky/AP/SIPA

April 4 at 5:08 p.m.. The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, went, in a bulletproof vest and accompanied by Ukrainian soldiers, in a street of Boutcha devastated by the fighting, this Monday, April 4, after the discovery of several hundred bodies of civilians by the Ukrainian troops and the international community, in the kyiv region and in particular in Boutcha, on Sunday. He said: “These are war crimes. And this will be recognized by the world as genocide.” “Every day, when our fighters enter and retake territories, you see what is happening,” he added to the media. Boutcha, 37,000 inhabitants before the war, has been the scene of fighting since the start of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24. The city was occupied by the Russian army from February 27, remaining inaccessible for more than a month. The shelling there ceased on Thursday.

The Ukrainian president spoke with residents and visited the bruised city. Asked about the continuation of peace negotiations with Moscow, he replied that he was continuing his “diplomatic and military” efforts but that it had become more difficult for Ukraine to negotiate with Russia as it became aware of the atrocities committed by Russian forces on its territory. Russia rejects accusations that its military was responsible for the deaths. On Sunday, the Ukrainian president castigated the Russian troops, made up according to him of “murderers, torturers, rapists, looters”, after the massacre of civilians uncovered in Boutcha.


Since the start of the conflict, maps have played a key role in understanding the Russian military operation and in monitoring the situation in Ukraine live. Several press agencies, but also specialized institutes and French, Ukrainian and international media, offer daily updated maps and graphics. Some of these maps provide real-time tracking of the latest events, others focus on the major events of the past 24 hours.
