After Boulanger, Cultura and others, it is Temu and Action’s turn to face a major leak of customers’ personal data. Millions of accounts are affected. Enough to develop formidable scams…

After Boulanger Cultura and others it is Temu and Actions

After Boulanger, Cultura and others, it is Temu and Action’s turn to face a major leak of customers’ personal data. Millions of accounts are affected. Enough to develop formidable scams…

It never ends! For several weeks now, French companies and organizations have been victims of serial hacks, which result in the theft of personal data of customers and users. And it doesn’t seem to be stopping! After Boulanger, Truffaut, Cultura and even Assurance retraite, it’s the turn of Temu and Action – which are not of French origin, but have a large customer base in France – to fall victim to a hack. The two leaks were discovered by Damien Bancal, the blog’s cybersecurity researcher Zataz.

Hacking Action: Data of 10,000 customers compromised

In early September, a pirate put up for sale a database of customers registered on action.comthe official platform of the discount chain of stores, allowing you to consult the offers available in store, to find out about weekly promotions and to learn about the different product categories. In total, there are nearly 10,000 “customer records”.

While the hacker did not indicate how he got his hands on this information, Zataz teams found that he had compromised the accounts of several customers. Among the data stolen by the hacker were names, first names, telephone numbers, dates of birth, postal and email addresses. Fortunately, there was no banking data in the batch.

© Zataz

The database that was put up for sale has since been removed from the Mega online storage space, where it was stored, thanks to Zataz’s actions. However, it is entirely possible that the hacker still has the file and is redistributing it elsewhere.

Temu hack: 87 million data for sale on the Dark Web

But Action is not the only company to have been hacked! Indeed, the Zataz teams also discovered that Temu, the Chinese platform specializing in the sale of low-cost products – and therefore inexpensive –, was also the victim of an intrusion. Thus, a hacker answering to the sweet pseudonym of “Fumeur de tabac” put up for sale a database grouping together the personal information of 87 million “lines” stolen from Temu. It contains the names, first names, IP addresses, cities of residence, genders, dates of birth and countries of origin of users, including many French, Belgian and Canadian. Here again, no banking information to report. The attacker indicates that “data has never been sold before” and that a “only one copy will be sold”.

To obtain such loot, the hacker directly attacked Temu’s application programming interface (API), which allows the platform to interact with other systems and software. This allowed him to copy a large amount of information.

© Zataz

With these multiple hacks, we should expect phishing campaigns in the coming weeks. Indeed, when they get their hands on databases, scammers use personal information to adapt their traps and make their messages more credible. In short, if you are a customer of one of these brands, be extra vigilant in the coming weeks and as always, do not respond hastily to emails, text messages, calls, and even registered letters whose sender you do not know or that seem suspicious to you. Take the time to verify the identity of the person you are talking to before doing anything!
