After a 24-hour visit to Senegal, Chancellor Olaf Scholz expected in Niger

After a 24 hour visit to Senegal Chancellor Olaf Scholz expected

The war between Russia and Ukraine, economic, energy and security issues in Africa. These were, among other things, the subjects addressed by the German Chancellor on a visit to Senegal. On Sunday May 22, Olaf Scholz and Macky Sall recalled the need for a world without conflicts, with global consequences. The Senegalese Head of State pleaded with the German Chancellor for Africa’s participation in major decision-making bodies.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Birahim Touré

The consequences of the war in Ukraine are also felt by Africa. The German Chancellor is perfectly aware of this, hence the need to reach a rapid ceasefire between the belligerents:

Many countries around the world are involved in this war. Rising energy prices, as the president has already said, and the other big topic is the issue of world hunger. We have supported many programs and we continue to do so, so that countries that are no longer able to buy food can continue to do so. We are also going to work on making it possible to export cereals from Ukraine. »

After announcing an upcoming trip to Moscow and kyiv, the Senegalese Head of State, Chairman-in-Office of the African Union, also added that a meeting will be organized between the African Heads of State and the President Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky who had requested it. Macky Sall believes that the continent needs to be represented in the decision-making bodies of the international community:

That we are invited to the G20 as a member. South Africa is a member, of course, but the continent, the African Union, should be able to be a member of the G20 and be able to be present in the discussions, bring the voice and the analysis of Africa on the subjects which concern us . And I welcome the idea of ​​a multipolar world as the Chancellor has indicated. »

The German Chancellor ended his 24-hour stay in Senegal with a visit to a photovoltaic power station entirely financed thanks to German cooperation in Diass, about forty kilometers from Dakar. Olaf Scholz left Senegal at the end of the afternoon for Niger, the second stage of his African visit.

Next step, Niger

This is an important step for this traditional partner of Niger. The first challenge of this visit is to strengthen bilateral cooperation. The German economic mission accompanying the Chancellor will meet the private sector in Niger. Objective: to develop investments, particularly in terms of infrastructure.

Second challenge: the fight against terrorism and the future of the G5 Sahel. The German Parliament recently extended the mandate of soldiers engaged in the Sahel. And Berlin announced aid of 100 million euros for the Sahel. This Monday morning, Olaf Scholz is going to Tilia (Tahoua region) to meet the German Special Forces there.

Then Olaf Scholz will have an interview with his Nigerian counterpart, President Mohamed Bazoum.

For Berlin, Niamey is an important partner. During her working visit last month, the head of German diplomacy mentioned possible support for education. Because Niger is part of the migratory route towards Europe, a phenomenon that mainly affects young people. In 2016, during her trip to Niamey, former Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted on the need to contain migratory flows.

Beyond these sensitive issues, Germany and Niger have had ties since 1961 “, notes a Nigerian official.

Read also: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz begins an African tour
