After 8 seasons, one of the streamer’s most popular series comes to an end today

After 8 seasons one of the streamers most popular series

It is rare for a series to get more than 3 seasons on Netflix. In the wave of Netflix series cancellations in recent years, many stories were even cut after season 1. One of the few series that seemed to be immune to this in recent years was elite. On considerable 8 seasons The Spanish series about a private school has been running for the last six years. Today it ends with its last 8 episodes.

Long-lasting series success: Netflix ends Elite after season 8

Sex, parties and deaths Elite combined like no other Netflix series. The successful mix of student mystery and hot encounters proved to be a recipe for success. At the private school “Las Encinas”, privileged students collided with less wealthy scholarship students for 8 seasons, murders and intrigues had to be solved and romance of every shade of the rainbow erupted in bed. Elite even spawned an international remake.

In season 4, the series underwent a half-reboot because some stars left after graduating from high school. After that, it became the rule in Elite that Main characters died and new characters From the very first cast, only Omar (Omar Ayuso) is left in season 8, even though Nadia (Mina El Hammani) is now also returning. The announcement that the eighth season would be the last showed that, despite all the love for the hot series, many were ready for the end.

Watch the trailer for the final 8th season of Elite here

Elite – S08 Trailer (German) HD

“Pleasure, freedom and having fun is the main goal of alumni”Elite announces in the Season 8 trailer and wants to make it a real blast. The siblings Emilia and Héctor Krawietz (Ane Rot and Nuno Gallego) provide with their scandalous graduation union for chaos and only Omar dares to do something about the corruption. There is also a dead person in the video: Joel (Fernando Lindez) dies, but who was it? It is also still unclear from the season 7 finale whether Raúl’s balcony pusher Carmen (Maribel Verdú) will be held accountable after the mother protecting her daughter was filmed by Dalmar (Iván Mendes).

The students of Elite will have to bring these and other loose threads together in Season 8 to bring the Netflix series to a satisfying conclusion.

Podcast about other endings: The 8 best series finales of all time

In this edition of our Moviepilot podcast Streamgestöber we talk about the best series endings of all time. These include TV milestones such as The Wire, Six Feet Under and of course The Sopranos.

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