Sometimes it takes several approaches to solve a problem, although the solution is much easier than you think – this experience also had to have a Baldur’s Gate 3 player who only noticed after hundreds of hours of playing time that an exam in the game could have been so much more relaxed.
What examination is we talking about? It is the FAITH-LEAP-TRIAL (in German a leap in trust), in which you have to follow paths between different Shar statues. However, the paths disappear when you approach them. They become completely invisible, so that you fall into the dark when you go wrong.
A player on Reddit reports that he was only able to cope with the exam with “sheer raw violence” and only became aware of a small detail after 600 hours of play in Baldur’s Gate 3 that would have spared him all the tortur.
In our guide we explain how the Shar’s exams passes. The video explains the round step by step:
Baldur’s gate 3 temples of the Shar passage
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What detail is we talking about? Anyone who is ready to look around a bit more closely in their surroundings could have noticed that a stone picture decorates the ground in the examination room directly in front of the Shar Altar. If you take a closer look, you can then see that the picture is not just a decoration, but a map of the room.
A gold -plated path shows the path that you can memorize to surely cross the dark room and finally pass the test.
What other paths are there to cope with the exam? In the comments of the post, several games are expressed on the FAITH-LEAP trial. There are more ways to pass the exam than just run on his own luck with enough trust.
However, a strategy deserves to be emphasized again due to the effort and creativity: a player simply thrown dozens of sausages on the floor to get a safe way … sausage. Other players keep it similar, but use less perishable objects such as spoons and dishes.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is famous and estimated that there are mass options for how to manage exams, dialogues or arguments. For this reason, as in this player example, it can often happen that some details are only uncovered after hundreds of hours, even though they are actually obvious. You can find out more examples and information in this article in this article: “Now I feel like an idiot” – 10 tips in Baldur’s Gate 3, which are actually obvious, but many players only discover late