After 18 years, the silliest WoW class is now a reality: The Tauren Villain

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Your silly childhood dream has come true. You can now wreak havoc in World of Warcraft as a tauren rogue.

World of Warcraft pre-patch 10.0 is live. This officially heralds the era of “Dragonflight”, even if the release of the new expansion is still a few weeks away.

However, most of the features are already included. Among them is not only the increased character limit of 60 per account, but also the possibility to create new class-race combinations.

An ancient meme has become a reality, because there are now the best villains of all time: tauren villains.

Why is this so amusing? Although tauren villains have only been playable for a few hours, rumors and jokes about these villains have been around since the launch of World of Warcraft almost 20 years ago. Back then, people asked something like, “Why don’t you ever see tauren rogues?” And the clear answer to that was, of course, “Because they’re so much better than rogues from other races.”

Of course, that could also be due to skills like “Ca-muh-flage” – the potential for good (and bad) puns and dad jokes is almost endless.

What other combinations are there? Aside from the tauren rogues, there are a whole host of other combinations that have not previously been seen in World of Warcraft. All new combinations are:

  • Highmountain Tauren Mage
  • Highmountain Tauren Rogue
  • Highmountain Tauren Priest
  • Tauren Mage
  • Tauren Rogue
  • Orc Priest
  • Draenei Rogue
  • Lightforged draenei rogue
  • Is there more to come? That is questionable. Although Blizzard had announced that they want to allow as many combinations as possible, it is doubtful whether “all races will be able to play all classes” soon.

    The new callers and demon hunters in particular are only suitable for Dracthyr or night and blood elves, simply because of their very specific animations and character adjustments. Other combinations such as “Draenei Warlock” could also be problematic from a story point of view, unless Blizzard introduces any historical innovations here.

    Until then, we can all be happy that tauren will now sneak up on you from behind and backstab others with a “/moo” emote.

    What do you think of the new combinations? A “cool” innovation? Or do the new possibilities not suit the peoples?
