After 12 years as soldiers – now they are not allowed to work anymore

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

A law that was enacted after conscription became dormant in 2010 means that soldiers, sailors and group commanders may only work for a maximum of twelve years in the Armed Forces, if they do not further train as specialist officers or officers.

Sarah Algstrand and her colleague Simon Ingemarsson have soon worked in the Armed Forces for twelve years, but now they have to quit.

– There will be no security for us soldiers in the form of employment, says the alarm operator Sarah Algstrand.

But from the side of the Armed Forces, they believe that the law works well

– We do not see them as losing competence, it remains in the armed forces as a war deployment, says Anders Widén commander at Headquarters.

See more about the criticism of the team in the player above.
