African traders and students hail reopening of China’s borders

African traders and students hail reopening of Chinas borders

Many Togolese traders trade with China through their imports, supplying the Togolese market. Due to the pandemic and the quarantine imposed in China for four years due to Covid-19, the transactions were made to order. But with the announcement Monday, December 26 of the end of Chinese border restrictions, in particular the end of the strict quarantine, Togolese traders welcome this announcement with enthusiasm tinged with caution.

Yao has not returned to Ghuanzu since September 2019. Since then, he has been supplying his shoe shop with online orders following the proposals of his partners. Today, he does not hide his enthusiasm, since he learned that China will no longer impose quarantine for those who go there, he told our correspondent in Lomé, Peter Sassou Dogbe :

I appreciate it, we’re going to go there, we haven’t been there in four years, which has complicated the activities a bit, frankly. »

Placing orders without being there caused them dissatisfaction and losses, he continues. The time has come to go back there for a good follow-up of your orders.

Georgette, on the other hand, is more cautious. The lifting of quarantine arriving in China is great news, she says, but she wonders how they will be received as foreigners:

It would be great to go back there ourselves, make our merchandise choices. When we go there, we assume the choices and that makes the difference on the market. Customers at the store also notice the difference. But leave now, I repeat, how are they going to treat us, as foreigners? No, I’m not starting right away, I’ll wait a bit. »

Despite this announced opening, caution remains in order for many Togolese want to set aside time for observation until the end of the first quarter of next year, before returning to China.

Good news for African students

For many African students, the announced end of the “Zero Covid” policy is very good news, especially the Association of Senegalese Students in China.

For the president of the association of Senegalese students in China André Tine, the end of the compulsory quarantine on arrival in China is a “phew of relief”

Same story for Filomène Ebi, doctor in history of international relations, who had to go to China to finish her thesis, she confided to Florine Boukhelifa.

Very good news for Filomène Ebi, doctor in the history of international relations who had to go to China to finish her thesis, but the coronavirus had decided otherwise.

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