African countries in turn launch repatriation operations on the tenth day of fighting

African countries in turn launch repatriation operations on the tenth

Several African countries, like Côte d’Ivoire or Chad, launched operations on April 24, 2023 to repatriate their nationals from Sudan, where the war between the army and paramilitaries has been raging for ten days. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the fighting there left more than 420 dead and 3,700 injured.

The first African countries have started their repatriation operations from Sudan, in progress or to come: South Africa, Libya, Nigeria…

Onimode Bandele, the director of special missions for Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency (Nema), told Channels TV that the aim was to evacuate around 2,650 to 2,800 Nigerians, including families of embassy staff. ” No one has been evacuated yethe specified. Buses are scheduled to start running tomorrow morning “.

About fifty exfiltrated Ivorian nationals

Very early on April 24, 2023, Côte d’Ivoire exfiltrated around fifty of its nationals. The Ivorians left by bus, heading for Cairo, where they will take a return flight to Abidjan. ” This morning, at around 5.30 a.m., a convoy left Khartoum with 50 people on board for Egyptdetails Dr. Karamoko Gaoussou, director of Ivorians in the diaspora, at the microphone of Bineta Diagne. He will be welcomed by the embassy, ​​housed by the embassy, ​​the time to prepare the necessary arrangements for him to return to Côte d’Ivoire. It is a voluntary return. For the most part, they are students, especially in Islamic schools, people who have gone to perfect themselves, in terms of religious knowledge. “.

Thank goodness everyone is doing well. The only difficulty is that the trade does not work, there is no activity, there is no real life.

Doctor Karamoko Gaoussou, Director of Ivorians in the Diaspora

This Monday morning also, Chad announced that it was going to start an operation: 438 Chadian nationals must be evacuated during the day ” if the conditions are met “, specifies the Chadian Minister of Communication. Aziz Mahamat Saleh indicates that a convoy will leave the Sudanese capital by bus before reaching Port Sudan, 800 kilometers east of Khartoum where planes will be chartered.

Read also : Nationals of other African countries, especially students, are anxiously waiting to be able to leave Sudan

In addition to African countries, several European and Arab capitals have already repatriated their nationals: Washington, Riyadh, London, or even Paris… This morning, France organized a third rotation to the military base in Djibouti . This so-called “Sagittarius” operation, led by Paris, has evacuated 388 people since yesterday. French people but also nationals of many other nationalities: Burundians, Nigeriens, Moroccans or Rwandans among others.

► To read also on the front page of the International Press Review: Westerners flee Sudan in the midst of chaos
