“Africa Station”, the future African village club of Paris 2024

Africa Station the future African village club of Paris 2024

An open-air space in the heart of Seine-Saint-Denis to promote sporting and cultural Africa during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, while bringing the Games and their atmosphere to a population who will not necessarily have access to them, is the “Africa Station” project, supported by ANOA (Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa) and the host municipality of L’Île-Saint-Denis.

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The question arises at each Olympic Games: where and how to create a typically African atmosphere at the heart of the most universal sporting event there is? If the first experience in London in 2012 had ended short – a village in Kensington Gardens closed before the end of the fortnight due to non-payment by suppliers – that of the “Casa Africa” at Rio 2016 had been more successful, but little publicized.

For Paris 2024, ANOCA sees things big. Name of the project: “Africa Station”, on the banks of the Seine, in the commune of L’Île-Saint-Denis, in the heart of this department of Seine-Saint-Denis highlighted in the economic and social heritage left after the Games, but whose inhabitants sometimes still have difficulty grasping the concrete benefits.

Business, basketball and concerts

The chosen site is the Robert-César stadium, a vast sports complex of 3.4 hectares located less than 5 km from the future athletes’ village, transformed into a festive place and a showcase of the continent and the values ​​of Olympicism. Athletics track, football field, covered basketball floor, swimming pool for initiations and local competitions reserved for residents of the city, but also shops, 100% African restaurant areas and conference center for forums and events. corporate recruitment. Five different centers would punctuate this place of life, animated every evening by concerts, and supposed to fulfill a double objective: to instill the spirit of the Games among a population who may not have the chance to experience them from the inside. – even if a giant screen broadcasting the events will be installed – and promote Africa’s successes, starting with its rewarded athletes who will be invited to come and celebrate their medals. A particular country would also be highlighted each day, through craft, cuisine or tourism stands.

Official presentation in January 2024

“Africa Station” is an initiative whose outlines have yet to be finalized – its official presentation is not planned until the end of January 2024 – but an initial budget of 465,000 euros has already been established for its financing. Local sponsors and official commercial partners of the Games Organizing Committee are already being asked to join a project which will gain momentum over the months, with a first phase visible to the general public from the Music Festival on the 21st. June.
