Afghan death toll rises in fresh floods

Afghan death toll rises in fresh floods



full screenMany homes have been destroyed in the heavy rains that hit Afghanistan. Authorities report rising death toll. Archive image. Photo: AP/TT

Heavy rains cause new and deadly floods in Afghanistan. More than 80 people were reported killed in the northern part of the country, mainly in the northern Faryab province, on Sunday.

Over 1,500 homes were destroyed by the rains and subsequent flooding.

Authorities in the province of Ghor in western Afghanistan announced on Saturday that about the same number had died in landslides and floods.

Just over a week ago, over 300 people were killed in a sudden heavy flood in Baghlan province in the north of the country, according to the UN and the ruling Taliban.

The unusually heavy rains come after a long period of drought, which increases the risk of flooding.
