Aesthetic medicine: how not to get the wrong practitioner?

Aesthetic medicine how not to get the wrong practitioner

How to find the doctor to whom to confide his face without hesitation? In the age of social networks, what is the best way to choose the doctor, dermatologist or surgeon who will bring the result of your dreams? Expert advice.

In aesthetics, the quality of the result is “operator-dependent”, it is therefore essential to find the right practitioner who opts for the appropriate treatment, and injects the right product in the right place. Hence the dilemma when you have not yet found the one to whom to entrust your face, knowing that aesthetic medicine can be practiced by any doctor who has received a diploma in aesthetics: doctor, dermatologist, ophthalmologist for eye region, dentist for the lower face and, of course, cosmetic surgeon for whom these procedures have become complementary to surgery.

On the same subject

Word of mouth, a good indicator

Word of mouth is the best way to find a practitioner. The most reliable is obviously the advice of a friend who has already had recourse to her practices and whose results we like. Beautician and hairdresser can also be good sources. The same name that comes up several times is a good indication. Taking a look at the doctor’s website can be interesting, “although you shouldn’t trust the beauty of the site, but rather the doctor’s titles and works”,recommends Dr. Anne Le Pillouer-Prost, aesthetic doctor at the Marseille Dermatological and Aesthetic Laser Center.

“It is important to check the diplomas, if the doctor is a trainer, adds Dr. Maryse Mateo-Delamarre, aesthetic doctor in Pontoise. The experience is obviously a guarantee of seriousness. There is a big difference between the one who practices exclusively the aesthetic for fifteen years and the one who injects from time to time … “We must not hesitate to take several opinions and consult different people.

Aesthetic doctor, dermatologist or surgeon?

It’s not easy to know whether to go see a cosmetic doctor, a dermatologist or a surgeon. If you hesitate between medicine and surgery, head for the plastic surgeon. It will not necessarily lead to surgery if the case does not require it, as most are increasingly practicing injections and non-invasive techniques. They have the advantage of knowing the anatomy in depth, since they operate.

Dermatologists are rather skin specialists, experts in quality skin treatments and minor concerns (peels, spots, rosacea), often perfect for lasers. As for aesthetic doctors, we prefer those with good reputation, who have long experience and participate in conferences, train other doctors, collaborate in studies on products and often discuss with surgeons.

The first consultation is essential

“It must be a meeting”,says Dr Ludovic Lievain, plastic surgeon in Rouen. You have to feel confident. But beyond the good contact, “it is important to understand whether the practitioner, man or woman, has the same vision and philosophy of beauty as you. Because the aesthetic taste of a doctor is not the same as that of another, and especially not necessarily yours “,specifies Dr. Anne Grand-Vincent, aesthetic doctor in Paris, herself a follower of ultra natural results.

For this, we can observe the doctor himself, his assistant, ask to see before and after photos of patients to get an idea. “The therapeutic plan must be fully explained in the procedures, consequences and possible risks, the prices remain in line with the patient’s budget. Finally, beware of too short intervention times, do not rush” specifies the Dr Lievain.

Indeed, except if one has absolute confidence, one is not obliged to perform an act from the first consultation. At the end of this, the practitioner must give the patient a detailed estimate and a request for informed consent (document which details the risks inherent in the intervention). During the treatment, the patient must have a logbook with all the acts indicated and the numbers of the batches of products injected.

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