Aerocoli (intestinal gas): symptoms, effective treatment

Aerocoli intestinal gas symptoms effective treatment

Aerocoli is the accumulation of gas in the colon. These are the famous intestinal gases that cause bloating and flatulence. Symptoms, causes, effective treatment, what to eat…

The aerocoly corresponds to the excessive presence of intestinal gas inside the colonwhich can be caused by constipation, infection, irritable bowel syndrome or foods rich in fermented products or gas. What causes aerocoly? Is that bad ? How to treat it and get rid of the air in the intestines?

What is the definition of aerocoly (gas)?

The gases produced in the intestine come from the fermentation of food remains by bacteria. To these gases is added the air ingested by eating or drinking soft drinks. On average, each person produces between 0.5 and 1.5 liters of gas per day. When gas accumulates in the colon, it is calledaerocoly. “This is due both to the overproduction of gas, but also to a problem of transit and elimination of these gases.“, specifies Professor Robert Benamouzig, specialist in gastroenterology at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny.

What are the symptoms of an aerocoly?

The overproduction of gas causes intestinal distension, which increases the volume of the abdomen and which results in:

  • The emission of flatulence
  • A feeling of bloating
  • Abdominal pain, more or less intense depending on the individual.

What are the causes of an aerocoly?

Several factors explain an overproduction of gas, causing bloating.

  • Some foods ferment more than others: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white beans, apples, pears, stone fruits, raw vegetables, etc.
  • Excessive consumption of soft drinks or so-called “sugar-free” chewing gum containing sorbitol
  • A slower transit or an episode of constipation which results in prolonging the fermentation of food in the intestine
  • THE irritable bowel syndrome

What is the duration of an aerocoly?

Normally, an aerocoly does not last more than 2-3 months, especially if you change your diet. If the symptoms persist for longer, a doctor should be consulted in order to carry out tests and find the cause.

What effective treatment to relieve aerocoly?

Certain antiflatulent drugs (based on phloroglucinol, simethicone or alverine citrate) associated with an antispasmodic relieve bloating and/or gas emission. THE vegetable coal – available in pharmacies in the form of capsules or granules – is indicated to reduce flatulence. It has the ability to retain 100 times its volume in gas. Beware, however, of drug interactions: charcoal adsorbs all products, so it is likely to adsorb drugs before they enter the bloodstream, rendering the treatment ineffective. In this case, care must be taken to respect a time interval (1 to 2 hours) between the two doses. Also, the practice of physical activity can help relieve bloating by promoting the elimination of gases.

What should you eat in case of aerocoly?

Regarding food,modifying your diet by limiting fermentable sugars (known as FODMAPfor Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols), often improves the situation“, adds Professor Benamouzig. It is also advisable to limit the consumption of certain foods (onions, cabbage, beans, radishes, leeks) as well as carbonated drinks.

When to consult?

When the production of gas is unusual and the phenomenon repeats itself, it is important to consult a doctor, in order to verify that this is not the sign of a serious pathology.“, advises Professor Benamouzig. A colonoscopy may be considered to identify possible polyps and screen for colon and rectal cancers.

Thanks to Professor Robert Benamouzig, specialist in gastroenterology at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny.
