(Finance) – A contribution to spending for 317 million euros in the six years of project to support the development and production of the AEM Electroachines (Anion Exchange Membranes – Anionic Exchange Membrane) of Ansaldo Green Tech. This is the amount of Decree recently issued by the Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy in favor of the company controlled by Ansaldo Energia. The facility was obtained downstream of the approval of the IPCEI project by the European Commission with decision of 15 July 2022 (C (2022) 5158 Final) n. SA.64644.
The Ansaldo Green Tech project, called Ianusis aimed at the creation of the new production line of the AEM electrolysis, the expansion of the research laboratories in the Genoa office and the development and industrialization of modular electrolysis that includes both 1 MW -continated solutions and “open design” solutions for applications Multi-MW industrial on large scale. With a focus on strategic sectors such as industry, power generation and mobility, the project aims to accelerate the energy transition, integrating hydrogen as a fundamental pillar for a environmentally and economically sustainable future.
The AEM electrolyser Developed by Ansaldo Green Tech is an innovative product, capable of producing over 500 kg of hydrogen per day, guaranteeing cutting -edge performance and higher sustainability than competing technologies. In particular, the system is characterized by high efficiency and flexibility, a production of pressure hydrogen, a lower use of critical raw materials and a lower water requirement. Last November Ansaldo Green Tech formalized the sale of the first 1 MW AEM electrolyser.