Advertising Board imposed a fine of 92.5 million TL for deceptive advertisements

Advertising Board imposed a fine of 925 million TL for

Ministry of Commerce As officially announced today, the Advertising Board has imposed a fine of 92.5 million TL on deceptive advertisements so far.

The Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Turkey stated the following on this subject:While 153 of the 176 files discussed by the Advertising Board at this month’s meeting were found to be contrary to the legislation, it was decided to impose a total administrative fine of 16.7 Million Turkish Liras along with a suspension penalty for the advertising and commercial activities in question. Thus, in the first 11 months of the year, the Board made opinions and evaluations on a total of 1,838 files, and in addition to the suspension penalty for 1,623 files that were determined to be deceptive advertising or unfair commercial practices, a total of It was decided to impose an administrative fine of 92.5 Million Turkish Liras.. The main agenda topic of the Board’s meeting numbered 339 was discounted sales advertisements and advertisements containing health claims. Particularly held in November and called “Legendary November Discounts”, “Great Friday Discounts”, etc.Discount sales campaigns, in which discounts are announced at various rates on many products, are closely monitored by the Advertising Board, and administrative sanctions are imposed on discount sales advertisements and practices that deceive and mislead consumers and create the perception that more discounts are offered than they actually are.


An Administrative Fine of 2.7 Million Turkish Liras Was Applied to Advertisements Under the Name of “November Discounts”!

In this context, discounted sales advertisements, especially advertisements regarding “November Discounts”, which have become traditional in electronic commerce, have been examined by the Advertising Board, and 16 discounted sales files, which were brought to the Board’s agenda this month, were imposed with a suspension penalty. It was decided to impose a total administrative fine of 2.7 Million Turkish Liras.. In this regard, inspections regarding these discounted sales campaigns will continue by the Advertising Board in the coming period.

On the other hand, it is seen that periodic advertisements for consumer health come to the fore with seasonal changes, and in this regard, product advertisements for direct consumer use, such as food supplements and cosmetic products, are also meticulously monitored and examined by the Board.

In this context, administrative sanctions are imposed on advertisements that mislead consumers about their possible benefits, are harmful to public health, and are contrary to the legislation. It is announced to the public with respect.”
