Adversity for Russia during the Ukrainian offensive

In five weeks, Ukrainian forces have recaptured two-thirds of the land Russia took in six months. This is stated by the American think tank Institute for the Study of War, ISW, in its latest situation update on the war.
At the same time, the Ukrainian army is said to be making progress around the town of Bachmut, which was occupied by Russia after prolonged fighting.

According to ISW, Russia seized about 392 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory between January 1 and July 9 this year, while Ukraine reclaimed about 253 square kilometers of its land between June 4 and July 9.

In the update, the think tank writes: “In five weeks, Ukrainian forces have liberated approximately two-thirds of the territory that Russia captured in more than six months.”

Ukraine: Success around Bachmut

At the same time, Ukraine claims success in the eastern parts of the country. According to the country’s deputy defense minister, Hanna Malyar, Ukrainian forces have taken control of areas around the town of Bachmut. ISW also states that Russian sources have also indicated that Ukraine is gaining ground around the city, while Russian military bloggers have expressed concern that Russian soldiers are being surrounded in the area.

This suggests, according to ISW, that the Ukrainian offensive measures in the area “could credibly threaten the Russian hold on Bakhmut, although it is far too early to predict the liberation of the city”.


New airstrikes against Kyiv

Russian attacks on Kyiv and Zaporizhzhya

Despite some success in the eastern parts of Ukraine, there are reports that Kiev was subjected to drone attacks during the night of Thursday. One person died and several were injured in connection with the explosions that were heard in several parts of the city, according to Kyiv mayor Vitaly Klytchko and the Ukrainian rescue service.

It was the third night in a row that the capital was attacked by Russian drones.

On Thursday afternoon, one person is also said to have died after Russian troops attacked the town of Orichiv in the Zaporizhzhya region. A number of people are also said to have been injured in connection with an air attack against two other villages in the area.
