adverse reactions are becoming a concern

As the fifth wave of the epidemic ebbs away around the world, many countries are gradually abandoning health constraints. Doctors and scientists are now noticing an explosion of side effects from vaccines.

A petition on the side effects of the anti-covid-19 vaccines has gathered more than 33,600 signatures on the Senate website. This has led to the referral of the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (Opecst). The first vice-president of Opecst, Gérard Longuet, has three months to submit a study “gathering technical and scientific elements on the effects of the vaccine”.

Headaches and fatigue

The deleterious effects of vaccines are becoming increasingly apparent. Two-thirds of those vaccinated in an Israeli study are experiencing more or less severe disorders.
A few days after 3ᵉ Pfizer injection, it is not uncommon for the vaccinated to experience headaches, intense fatigue, aches and pains, the feeling of having burns in many nerves, vision that becomes blurred intermittently, chills are often felt, abdominal pain, a metallic taste in the mouth.

A hallo-asso association

The side effects of vaccines are not so rare. So much so that an association, hallo-asso, has decided to list the most flagrant cases. Another association of victims of the coronavirus not only collects testimonies, but it also collects signatures to file a complaint against Pfizer for “endangering the life of others”.
We wrote it here already several months ago: “Vaccines are not without risks”. They are even dangerous in some cases, especially for children and pregnant women.
But the most serious and harmful effects are perhaps still to come.

Vaccines: adverse events in women

Anti-Covid-19 vaccines: what are the long-term effects?
