Mevlan Ağtaş, 3 packs per day cigarette In Manisa, where he went to his children about 2 years ago, the period he drank, he applied to the hospital with a complaint of cough, shortness of breath and weakness. Ağtaş, father of 4 children who were identified as lung cancer in their examinations, received chemotherapy and radiation therapy in Manisa and İzmir for a while and survived cancer. Ağtaş applied to the hospital a while ago when the same complaints developed in his hometown last year.
He lives his second spring
In the examinations, the cancer recurred and spread out of the lungs on the determination of the Agtaş, was taken to treatment. Ağtaş, who survived cancer after chemotherapy and treatments that lasted for about a year, recommends the second spring to the smokers to leave both their regret and what happened.
“I have had a very difficult process in a foot grave, one like one outside”
Mevlan Ağtaş said that he was very upset when he learned that he had cancer for the second time.
Ağtaş stated that the cancer relapsed after the treatment he has seen in different cities, “The doctor gave notice, my treatment was completed. I was very happy. I had a very difficult process like a foot in the grave. . ” he said.
“I prepared my grave by smoking”
In the past, 3 packs of cigarettes a day smoking and regret that Ağtaş said, “I prepared my grave by smoking. If there is a smoking, let them know that they have prepared their graves. God bless him, I owe my life to him. ” he said.
His wife Nahide Ağtaş found that his husband found healing in Erzurum, “Thank goodness my wife beat the cancer for the second time, could not walk in advance, he was sluggish, now eating, walking improved.” He said.
Oncology Specialist Wheat also identified Ağtaş’s relapse in the advanced stage, saying, “After starting chemotherapy and treatments, we saw that the mass in the lungs disappeared completely, we saw that there was no live tissue. We decided to follow the treatment. We saw that there was no awakening and we will continue to follow the good news. ” He said.