Adult scarlet fever: symptom, danger, how do you catch it?

Adult scarlet fever symptom danger how do you catch it

Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection with streptococcus A. It most often affects children but also sometimes adults. Colds, angina… What are the symptoms of adult scarlet fever? Treatments ? Dangers ?

scarartine, due to streptococcus A, is rather observed in children, but can also affect adults. What are symptoms ? The risk of contagion and the treatments to treat it? Answers with our experts.

If scarlet fever is a mostly pediatric disease (which occurs in children), “it is possible to have the scarlet fever in adulthood” immediately informs Dr. Marc Pérez, doctor. Indeed, the fact of having had scarlet fever in childhood makes it possible to develop antibodies only against one type of toxin produced by the bacteria causing the disease, a group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS). Adults most at risk of getting scarlet fever are those who work with children. Scarlet fever is transmitted by direct contact with oropharyngeal secretions. “Contamination takes place by seeing orally or in the air, by carrying the germ to the mouth or nose, via dirty hands, a sneeze, a coughing fit…“explains Professor Guillaume Desoubeaux, Head of the Parasitology Department at the University Hospital of Tours. Most often, scarlet fever rages through small epidemic waves in communities.

What is the incubation period for scarlet fever in adults?

The incubation period for scarlet fever is identical in adults and children. “The incubation is typically short from one to four days, but sometimes more” teaches Dr. Desoubeaux.

What are the symptoms of adult scarlet fever?

At first, there may be clinical signs similar to those encountered during a coldsometimes with digestive signs. Usually a angina is present“informs Dr. Desoubeaux.”The throat is very inflamed, red, with large tonsils and the swollen neck glands“says Dr. Marc Perez. Most often, these signs are accompanied by a high fever. 24 to 48 hours after the onset of symptoms, a rash (exanthema) appears. Tongue turns raspberry color 6 days after onset of symptoms. These cutaneous manifestations are linked to the production of an erythrogenic toxin by the bacteria Group A Streptococcus.

What do pimples look like in scarlet fever?

The rash of scarlet fever has the form “of red patches on the flex folds at the beginning describes Dr. Marc Perez. “The skin is hot and roughsometimes with itching“says Dr. Desoubeaux. These bright red patches spread over the rest of the body in 24 hours, except on the palms and soles of the feet. They then desquamate at the extremities.

What symptoms on the tongue?

At the onset of scarlet fever, the tongue is white (saburral tongue) before taking on a raspberry color 6 days after the onset of symptoms. “There are also lesions in the mouth. adds Dr. Desoubeaux. Red discoloration of the tongue, mouth and throat (enanthema) is characteristic of scarlet fever.

Is scarlet fever in adults contagious?

Scarlet fever is a contagious illness. Both adults and children remain infectious for the first two days of antibiotic treatment. That is why professional avoidance is recommended from the moment the diagnosis is made and should continue until 2 days after the start of antibiotic therapy.

What are the dangers of catching adult scarlet fever?

The complications of scarlet fever in adulthood as well as in children are identical to thoses of group A streptococcal (GAS) anginanamely kidney, heart and joint damage. However, these complications are rare in the case of well-conducted treatment. “Renal or rheumatic sequelae and deaths have become exceptional” reassures Dr. Desoubeaux.

Is there a vaccine against adult scarlet fever?

There is no vaccine against scarlet fever in adults or children. Antibiotic prophylaxis (preventive antibiotic therapy) may be prescribed people at risk of developing a serious form or invasive infection (person over 65, person with progressive chickenpox or a chronic pathology such as cancer, diabetes or heart failure), extensive skin lesions, drug addicts, person on long-term corticosteroid therapy) and who have been in contact with a person with scarlet fever.

What are the treatments for treating scarlet fever in adults?

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the specific treatment goes through theuse of active antibiotics against the germ in question, in general, amoxicillin” teaches Dr. Guillaume Desoubeaux. In case of allergy to penicillin, these are macrolide antibiotics who are prescribed. From paracetamol relieves fever and pain.

Thanks to Dr Marc Pérez, doctor and to Pr Guillaume Desoubeaux, Head of the Parasitology Department at the University Hospital of Tours.

Sources: INRS sheet Infection with Streptococcus pyogenes sheet / DGS sheet Resurgence of invasive Streptococcus A infections, 6 December 2022
