AdR, Troncone: we give continuity to the care of the territory

AdR Troncone we give continuity to the care of the

(Finance) – New initiative by Rome airports in support of sustainability and environmental protection which, in this specific case, this morning involved the cleaning of the Fiumicino coast. In collaboration with the Municipality of Fiumicino And BoeingAdr went to the beach with about seventy employees who, on a voluntary basis, equipped with gloves and suitable equipment and with the aim of reducing the pollution of the beaches of the territoryhave freed from plastic, glass and other types of waste transported by the sea or left by the “uncivilized” the stretch of free beach on the coast of Fiumicino located near the Pesce Luna area in Focene.

“On our part, there is certainly attention to the recovery of an important, highly enjoyable area. It is a fantastic corner located near our airport and which must therefore be protected – declared the CEO of Adr. Marco Stub – We are all involved in achieving this goal, which involves not only our people, but also our major industry and system partners, such as Boeing “.” It is also a connection with the territory because – he added – it is here where, fully integrated with the surrounding area, our airport is located. And when we talk about the territory, we naturally speak of great support with the municipal administration which therefore sees us side by side in this initiative with the mayor of Fiumicino, Foreigner Montino“.

The Fiumicino municipal administration thanks Aeroporti di Roma and Boeing for the initiative. “An appointment that is renewed every year thanks to the collaboration between the Administration and Adr – underlined the councilor for productive activities, Heather Antonelli – Environmental protection is a priority. For 5 years we have received the Legambiente award as “Comune Riciclone” thanks to the efforts made to improve separate waste collection and make the service more and more efficient. The protection of the environment and the safeguarding of the territories are central themes of the political agendas but they cannot ignore the personal effort of citizens. We have the duty to respect the places in which we live, we must strive to deliver to future generations a better world than we found it “.
