AdR: agreement with unions for the transformation into permanent contracts of 257 group workers

AdR agreement with unions for the transformation into permanent contracts

(Finance) – Signed an important agreement between Rome Airports and the trade union organizations Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Ugl of Air Transport for the stabilization of the operating staff of the ADR Group. The plan matters 257 workers and is divided into permanent employment and transformation of employment contracts from part time to full time.

From next March, 66 workers currently employed in the Fiumicino and Ciampino airports in the activity of passenger assistancewill be hired on an open-ended contract while ad other 191 employees the fixed-term contract will be transformed into an indefinite one.

This agreement, which leaves room for further interventions in favor of operating personnel with the consolidation of passenger traffic expected for the next summer season, confirms the trend of staff growth at Aeroporti di Roma which began last November, with the permanent hiring Of 90 employees in the Group company, ADR Security. The recruitment plan defined for 2023 only involves resources who have worked in the Group’s operating sectors in past years on fixed-term contracts.

“The agreement signed today – he declared Marco Troncone, Chief Executive Officer of Aeroporti di Roma – is the result of fruitful collaboration with trade union organizations and represents an important investment in our human capital with the stabilization of 257 workers. Once again, we confirm our commitment to valorising our people, protagonists of the sustainable development of our airport in the name of excellence. A commitment, maintained even during the dramatic phases of the pandemic in a logic of safeguarding employment levels, which has characterized the company’s action in the name of internalisations, professional growth and the fight against precariousness, and which in the last 10 years has created over 1,400 new permanent jobs. With our development plan, we are determined to continue and accelerate on this path”.
