Adobe exhibited new productive artificial intelligence -supported video tools

Adobe exhibited new productive artificial intelligence supported video tools

Adobe, one of the most important names in the software world, started open beta tests for the Sora rival Generate video system today.

Adapted very quickly to productive artificial intelligence fury, Adobe currently has many visual systems and has taken important steps on the video side recently. For example, the system that produces realistic videos from OpenAI today Generate Video Infrastructure Open Beta Test. From here There are two different production ways in the accessible system. It can create videos using visuals supported by the system or written commands. With Generate video, it can currently create 1080p videos of 5 seconds at 24 -square speed. Creating these five seconds long videos takes longer than 90 seconds in the current infrastructure. Adobe says that other models such as high -resolution or slow -running high -resolution (4K) are on the road.

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Before that, a premier -oriented development had come to the agenda. Professional video editing software can be searched with written commands in the video clips thrown into Premiere Pro. This feature with artificial intelligence is analyzing recorded videos (without using internet connection) And that way, “Find videos with the person who made skateboarding with lens phlareDetailed search can be made with a basic written command. Adobe says that the developed system can automatically recognize objects, locations, camera angles and more. This feature, which will save great time, is currently supporting 17 languages. With video subtitles Premiere Pro’s most up -to -date “beta” can be tried in the version.
