“Admit it, you want the systems”

Build variety in Diablo 4 has been hotly debated since at least release. Now a comparison to Diablo 3 is made again and a player believes: You want the old systems back.

On Reddit, user Feather_Sigil wrote on August 3 that he felt players didn’t want to spend hours farming gold to change their builds. They also want the freedom to experiment, and more importantly, greater build variety.

Players should admit it: They want the systems from Diablo 3 back (via Reddit).

The builds are a subject that gets a lot of discussion. To get the most out of your build, be sure to enable these two settings:

Diablo 4: Activate these 2 settings immediately, otherwise you will be missing important equipment values

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“Just admit it”

How does the player get it? Feather_Sigil’s Reddit post is captioned, “Just admit it: you want D3’s skill and respec system.” He summarizes what he thinks players would critique and demand most of Diablo 4.

He writes in his post:

You don’t want to spend hours farming gold just to be able to change builds. You want to be able to do it right now at no cost so you can experiment freely and see what works best for you and the loot.

You don’t want to wear out your fingers clicking a skill tree a million times just to get an illusion of progression. You want everything you can do clearly in front of you so you can easily compare and switch.

(You also don’t want an enormous and incomprehensible skill tree where you can reset maybe five nodes out of hundreds and where it takes an entire community to figure out the optimal paths.)

You don’t want binary skill branches that just change how an ability behaves in the background. You want build variety. You want to have 6 variations of each ability that affect how it works in gameplay and how it looks, sounds and feels.

Just admit it.

Feather_Sigil on August 3 via Reddit

What other players say about it: The post currently has over 2,000 comments in which users are discussing the build variety and respec system in Diablo 4. Many users comment that they find redistribution in the Paragon board annoying and would like to save their builds.

Refunding also costs a lot of gold. According to one player, resetting all Paragon points to level 100 costs around 8 million gold.

Not only the high gold costs are a problem. Clicking all points individually to refund them is even more annoying. The effort is too great for many – they would rather create a new character than convert skills and paragon points.

The developers say: At a certain point it should even be better to start a new character.

Players criticize the lack of build variety in Diablo 4

User nodlimax recalls “heated discussions” he experienced on the Diablo 4 forums during the beta: “People claimed ‘D4 has more build variety than D3’, but no one could properly explain how or why.” (via Reddit).

According to nodlimax, in Diablo 3 there were more options in the builds just because of the runes. He also noticed that barbarian players always have the same 6 skills equipped. “I don’t see where the alleged build variation is in D4.”

He adds: “It’s the illusion of choice. People don’t actually make decisions, but they think they do, which then makes them think ‘there is variation’ when in fact there is hardly any.”

Corwyntt notes that in Diablo 4 players have a choice of two paths with each skill. In Diablo 3 you have “at least about five options for a skill.” Individual users praise the armory from Diablo 3. They have offered enough space to reserve chest slots in the season to be able to switch between classes and different builds – without a lack of space.

Other users write that Diablo 4 does not give enough skill points to level up skills to their liking. Several users add that they want unlimited Paragon points, even beyond level 100, so that they can continue to be distributed in the Paragon board.

The discussions about the build variety, Paragon points and the lack of gold and space for items probably won’t stop. There is a lot of ranting about Diablo 4, especially on Reddit.

A player was able to amuse the otherwise negative community recently with his contribution:

Diablo 4: Player fools his wife, cheering the community, which otherwise only complains
