Administrative procedures to facilitate removals

Administrative procedures to facilitate removals

Changing homes, or even changing cities, is often the start of an exciting new adventure. However, a move cannot be improvised and for it to go as smoothly as possible, it is better to carry out the preparations conscientiously. In addition to packing your belongings and boxes, there are a few administrative procedures you should think about before leaving your accommodation for good. Let’s review together!

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Students who are about to take their independence. Assets who have had work opportunities in another region. Retirees who wish to be closer to their family. These are just a few examples, and the motivations that lead to organizing a move are as diverse as they are varied.

A few crucial steps for a successful move

In any case, certain steps must be taken in time so as not to encounter any problems during this change of life:

  • Anticipating with notice on your lease requires it.
  • Declare your change of address to official bodies. To save precious time, the government has set up a single form called “ I move » to transmit your new contact details to the CAF, to taxes, to the health insurance fund, to Pôle emploi… This saves you from contacting each center individually.
  • Have the new accommodation insured: either by transferring the current contract, or by subscribing to a new offer. It is sometimes necessary to change the insurance policy so that it is adapted to the possible new risks presented by this future home.
  • Ask for automatic mail tracking with La Poste in order to be sure to receive all your mail until your new address is taken into account by the senders.
  • Change all your subscriptions: landline, Internet, delivery services, etc.
  • Make an appointment for the inventory of accommodation (old and new) if necessary.

Don’t forget your energy contract!

Whether you wish to change energy supplier or whether you prefer to keep your current contract, in both cases you must contact your service provider to inform him of the change of location. This often involves terminating the contract (with meter reading) and subscribing to a new one.

This approach may be an opportunity to seek a more advantageous offer. Services, such for example, allow you to devote only a few minutes to it. The first step is to compare the best offers on the market according to your important criteria (green production, price per kWh, off-peak and peak hours system, etc.). Once you have determined the formula that best meets your expectations, you can subscribe directly online, free of charge.

In the midst of all these things to think and do, you must of course get boxes and pack your things. Anticipating and calmly preparing for a move will allow you to avoid any source of unnecessary stress. According to statistics published by The Moving Official, 3 million French people move every year and two-thirds of these trips are made without the help of professionals. Whether for budgetary or practical reasons, this choice therefore requires a certain organization to be ready on D-Day…

Article produced in partnership with

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