ADM, record revenue in 2022 thanks to the Customs and Games sector

ADM record revenue in 2022 thanks to the Customs and

(Finance) – The 2022 of the Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) closes with a tax revenue of approximately 78 billion euros. This is what emerges from the fourth statistical bulletin published today by the Agency, which underlined that the figure, albeit in the consolidation phase, represents the highest result in history.

In particular, the growth in revenue is attributable to a positive performance of all sectors, except for excise revenues relating to energy products. In fact, these revenues, due to the increase in prices relating to the global situation also due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the consequent adoption by the Government of measures to contain the increase in energy prices, recorded a decrease compared to 2021 by about 23%.

The sectors of Customs and Games prove to be driving forces for 2022, recording an increase in revenue of 37.63% and 28.34% respectively compared to 2021.

L’supervisory activity led to the recovery of approximately 278 million euros in the Excise sector (Energy and Alcohol), 151 million euros in the Games sector and approximately 1.3 billion euros in the Customs sector.
